These videos are managed and distributed by OrigamiUSA. They are edited versions of the recordings from online events, available to members only. Additional videos will be added to this page as they become available (though no sooner than a year after the end of the event). If you have video editing skills and are interested in volunteering, please contact us at videos [at]
You must be an OrigamiUSA member or have an Access Pass to see these videos. Please login to your website account.
Title | Presenter | Event | Year | Keywords | |
Day 18: Toucan | Beth Johnson | World Origami Days | 2022 | high intermediate, color-change, animals | |
Day 1B: Easel | Charles Knuffke | World Origami Days | 2022 | teaching, intermediate, objects, video | |
Garibaldi, Opus 375 | Robert Lang | World Origami Days | 2020 | complex, animals | |
Shamrock Box | Michał Kosmulski | World Origami Days | 2020 | boxes, high intermediate, complex, tessellation | |
Lillian's Butterfly & Happy Good Luck Bat | Michael LaFosse | World Origami Days | 2020 | wet-folding, intermediate, animals | |
Nested Octagon Twist Purses | Tom Hull | World Origami Days | 2020 | complex, math, geometric | |
Cake | Arlene Gorchov | World Origami Days | 2020 | boxes, intermediate, abstract, geometric | |
Olga Star | Carmen Sprung | World Origami Days | 2020 | convention, teaching, modular, intermediate, color-change, geometric, folding techniques | |
Sea Lion | Michael LaFosse | World Origami Days | 2021 | teaching, wet-folding, intermediate, animals | |
Mouse | Robert J. Lang | World Origami Days | 2021 | teaching, complex, animals, video | |
Beaver | Richard Ellison | World Origami Days | 2021 | wet-folding, complex, animals, folding techniques | |
Gingerbread House With Heart Bookmark | Jane Rosemarin | World Origami Days | 2022 | money folds, intermediate, color-change, objects, video | |
Box Dogwood, Opus 803 | Robert J. Lang | UnConvention | 2020 | intermediate, plants | |
Star Flower Modular, Opus 817 | Robert J. Lang | UnConvention | 2020 | modular, high intermediate, color-change, geometric | |
An Orchid for Susie | Michael LaFosse | UnConvention | 2020 | convention, teaching, complex | |
Origomics | Glenn Sapaden | PCOC | 2015 | diagrams, design techniques, presentation techniques, diagramming | |
Pureland Modular Rose | Jason Ku | PCOC | 2015 | simple, abstract, geometric, plants | |
Octagonal Star Pot | Robert Lang | PCOC | 2019 | high intermediate, objects | |
Picasso Tear & Walking Cube | João Charrua | PCOC | 2019 | convention, teaching, intermediate, abstract | |
Rotated Grids: Theory and Uses | Madonna Yoder | Convention | 2021 | paper, teaching, complex, math, geometric, tessellation, folding techniques | |
Spinning Shooting Star | Nobuko Okabe | Convention | 2021 | teaching, low intermediate, abstract, geometric, objects | |
Dollar Bill Butterfly | Anne LaVin | Convention | 2021 | money folds, intermediate, arthropods, video | |
Flapping Butterflies | Sy Chen | Convention | 2021 | teaching, low intermediate, animals, arthropods | |
Larry Hart Gem & Wind Turbine | Michael Naughton | Convention | 2021 | teaching, low intermediate, geometric | |
Camille (elephant) | Adriano Mariani | Convention | 2021 | teaching, low intermediate, color-change, animals |