These videos are managed and distributed by OrigamiUSA. They are edited versions of the recordings from online events, available to members only. Additional videos will be added to this page as they become available (though no sooner than a year after the end of the event). If you have video editing skills and are interested in volunteering, please contact us at videos [at]

You must be an OrigamiUSA member or have an Access Pass to see these videos. Please login to your website account.

Title Presenter Eventsort ascending Year Keywords
Sakura (Cherry Blossom) D Pun Convention 2019 paper, convention, teaching, intermediate, plants
Mask 3 with Fynn Jackson Fynn Jackson Convention 2021 teaching, intermediate, abstract, geometric, animals
Pennant Coralfish Yoshimasa Tsuruta Convention 2021
4 pointed star Kathy Stevick Convention 2021 teaching, simple, geometric
ALPACA DE CARLOS POMARINO David Medina Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, animals
Candle Holder 1 (or Vase) Barbara Syrett Convention 2021 convention, teaching, low intermediate
Chris Alexander's Jellyfish Chris Alexander Convention 2021 intermediate, color-change, animals
Ellen's Star Jean Baden-Gillette Convention 2021 teaching, modular, intermediate, color-change, geometric
Baby T-Rex James Weir Convention 2021 teaching, high intermediate, color-change, animals
Gladys the Platypus John Szinger Convention 2021 high intermediate, color-change
Praying Nun Joel Stern Convention 2021 convention, low intermediate, color-change, animals
Star Arisa Deanna Kwan Convention 2021 modular, low intermediate, color-change, geometric
Shelf Deanna Kwan Convention 2021 teaching, simple, geometric
Assorted Origami Designs Jagan K Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, animals, objects, video
Camille (elephant) Adriano Mariani Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, color-change, animals
Dollar Bill Rosettes Jeanine Meyer Convention 2021 teaching, money folds, low intermediate, geometric
Fortune Cookie / Fortune Teller Sy Chen Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, color-change, objects
Rotated Grids: Theory and Uses Madonna Yoder Convention 2021 paper, teaching, complex, math, geometric, tessellation, folding techniques
Santa Marc Kirschenbaum Convention 2021 convention, intermediate, color-change, animals
Spinning Shooting Star Nobuko Okabe Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, abstract, geometric, objects
Dollar Bill Butterfly Anne LaVin Convention 2021 money folds, intermediate, arthropods, video
Flapping Butterflies Sy Chen Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, animals, arthropods
Larry Hart Gem & Wind Turbine Michael Naughton Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, geometric
OrigamiDraw Tips and Tricks Akira Terao Convention 2021 crease patterns, high intermediate, software
Little Bird in a Nest Linda MacFarlane Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, animals
