These videos are managed and distributed by OrigamiUSA. They are edited versions of the recordings from online events, available to members only. Additional videos will be added to this page as they become available (though no sooner than a year after the end of the event). If you have video editing skills and are interested in volunteering, please contact us at videos [at]

You must be an OrigamiUSA member or have an Access Pass to see these videos. Please login to your website account.

Title Presenter Event Year Keywords
Rhombase Dragon #3 Matthew Green Convention 2019 complex, animals
Sakura (Cherry Blossom) D Pun Convention 2019 paper, convention, teaching, intermediate, plants
Octagonal Star Pot Robert Lang PCOC 2019 high intermediate, objects
Picasso Tear & Walking Cube João Charrua PCOC 2019 convention, teaching, intermediate, abstract
