Select any name for a list of publications by that author and products that contain the author's name in the product description.
Author |
Engel2 |
Esposti1 |
Esteve1 |
Fuchimoto4 |
Fujimoto1 |
Fukui5 |
FunFoldables2 |
Fuse8 |
Ganan2 |
Garibi4 |
Gjerde1 |
Green3 |
Grodner, Parsons, Sanchez1 |
Gurkewitz and Arnstein1 |
Hadi21 |
Hadi Tahir16 |
Hagiwara1 |
Hartman1 |
Hicks1 |
Hoang3 |
Hojo1 |
Hojyo1 |
Huang22 |
Hudson1 |