These are current and upcoming origami-related events. If you are an origami group organizer (local or international) and have organized an event, exhibition, or teaching session open to the public, let your fellow folders know about it! You can add your event using the link below (please read the guidelines) or send your information to the calendar coordinator at calendar [at]

You can schedule an event to use the OrigamiUSA shared Zoom Room, if you wish. (Once you've scheduled the Zoom room there, come back to this page and post your meeting on this calendar, which is not directly connected to the Zoom scheduler.) You can also find other videoconferencing options on our "Ways to Connect" page.

Please login to create a calendar event


OrigamiUSA Sponsored by OrigamiUSA
Online Meeting Online event
Convention Convention
Exhbiition Exhibition
Fee Involves a fee

Calendar Feeds: Apple | Google | Download .ics file (for other calendars)
The feeds include only events that last for 1 week or less.

Times below are in time zone America/New York. Change the time zone.