D.I.N.O. 30
D.I.N.O. 12
Your price: $2.00
SKU: FD-6694
Regular price: $2.00
Member price: $1.80
Access Pass price: $2.00

Creator: Francesco Mancini

Diagrammer: Francesco Decio/Francesco Mancini

Details: In the file you can find the instructions to create several modular deltahedra. A deltahedron is a polihedron whose faces are all equilateral triangles. The diagrams show how to fold one unit and how to assemble the units.
When I designed this unit I showed it to my friends and I told them "I don't know how to name it". Roberto Morassi, CDO founding father, immediately said: "Gino!" It was the name of his grand-father. I thought about to use it as an acronym but nothing geometrical came to my mind with the G. So I changed to D as deltahedra and after I had to figure out the other letters. Incavati means hollowed because the model has holes on his faces. Non Ortodossi means Non orthodox because they are different from the ordinary deltahedra.

Material: Various sheets of 1:sqrt2 paper. It works fine with copy paper, elephant-hide, stardream, tant

Recommended size: A7

Seller Information

Francesco Mancini