Meenakshi Mukerji was a gifted folder who worked in a variety of genres, including modulars and single-sheet origami. She wrote several books of her creations and was an active and popular teacher, receiving OrigamiUSA's Florence Temko Award in 2005. She posted diagrams, videos, and tutorials on her highly regarded website, and her Instagram page. She passed away from cancer in 2024.

I was sad to hear this morning on the OrigamiUSA mailing list, that Meenakshi Mukerji has passed away. She authored eight beautifully presented books, of a geometric nature, predominantly modular, but also single sheet designs and one including all types of origami. I was fortunate to meet up with her in London, when she was travelling, and as no one else turned up, I was privileged to receive a one-to-one folding session with her, for several happy hours! She was a very humble, generous and kind person, who will be greatly missed. May she rest in peace.
I'm so sad to hear of Meenakshi 's passing. She was a kind and sweet lady. Her models were fun to fold. I will miss her very much. I'm glad she came to the Netherlands as our special guest at the OSN convention. I feel privileged to have had some extra time after the convention with her. We had a wonderful time visiting The Keukenhof, Scheveningen, Kinderdijk and Gouda, my hometown. My her soul rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with her family. 😢🙏🏼🕯❤️
I never had the privilege of meeting Meenakshi in person, but I’ll always be very grateful for her generosity in contributing so much to the British Origami Magazine when I was starting out as editor. It’s incredibly sad news and it’s a huge loss to the origami community. My sincere condolences to her family and her friends.
This is really devastating news. Meenakshi was a wonderful person and a great teacher.
I met her first at the Origami USA convention about 20 years ago. She was in NYC to receive her "Lone folder award". I attended her class where she taught one of her cube modulars. She had not published her books at the time.
My prayers for the family to have the courage and strength to bear this loss.
Om Shanti
Oh no. This is heart breaking news. Just so terrible. My sincere condolences to Meenakshi’s family and friends. My thoughts and prayers are with them as well. 😢🙏🏽
Dear Meenakshi… your creativity and friendship and joy of origami was amazing… and you will be missed 🙏🏽💖
So sorry to hear the sad news. I met her once in Boston and we had a very nice chat and was looking forward to seeing her again. She was such a talented, generous and pleasant person. I never expected she leaves us so soon. May thoughts are with her family. May she rest in peace.
A few days ago, you posted a photo on IG where you were smiling, showing off the origami earrings that I sent you as a gift (I felt very honored that you were using them and shared that photo). I'm sure you never imagined this outcome to be coming so soon. You looked happy celebrating Mother's Day with your true treasures by your side: your handsome children. Today, the world mourns you --your family and the origami community at large where you contributed with knowledge, creations, and numerous books. As someone once said, "death is another form of presence." We are beginning to live with this new reality.
I am shocked to hear of Meenakshi's passing! I have always been fascinated by how creative and prolific an origami designer she has been. I met her several times at different origami conventions and had the opportunity to fold her models. I appreciated her generosity in answering questions about her and her creative processes which I published on my site Origami Spirit at .May she rest in peace!
Our community has suffered a significant loss with Meenakshi's passing. I have fond memories of sitting and chatting with her at conventions, and have long admired her incredible craftsmanship and creativity. May our memories of her bring comfort in the days ahead.
So sad to hear the news, I really appreciate sharing her story, I remember watching some of her designs in books and over the internet, also sharing her art with others, which is something I really like to do. She may rest in Peace. Let's continue her legacy.
I asked her for some models a few years ago, and she sent some incredible kusudamas to be showed on exhibitions.
She Will be in out Hearts. Rest in Peace
Very saddened and heartbroken by this news...
Condolences to her family, my heart goes out to them, to everyone who knew and was inspired or touched by her and her art...
In all the sadness, I find that I am grateful and happy that she was able to share and publish her works.
Her art and creativity will continue to inspire and delight many folders and designers to come, and there
is no small amount of consolation in that...
A broken heart has few words...
Thank you Meenakshi for sharing your love of origami.
Even though we never met in person, Meenakshi played an important role in the development of my origami. I am very grateful for her hint I should go to an origami convention, since it breathed a new life into my interest in folding. I wrote a short tribute to her on my web page. Rest in peace.
I am very sad to hear the new of Meenakshi's passing. Her creations were prolific and it was an inspiration at the beginning of my origami journey, to know of an indian folder who was in the forefront of the origami world. I was glad to finally meet her during a PCOC convention and she was nothing but kind and helpful.
Rest in Peace.
Wow! Meenakshi was always there...and now she will be there only in our individual and collective memories. That will be something to treasure as time goes by, but so painful now. My heart goes out especially to her family. I once learned to fold a sand dollar from Meenakshi. I was fascinated to see how realistic it looks folded with tant. It still sits on my display table in my living room amongst only a few models. I will treasure it even more now. I attended the CDO 2016 convention in Tabiano, Italy, at which Meenakshi was a special guest. She taught a wide variety of models to a lot of people who were very happy to learn to fold them. If you search for CDO 2016 you can see a lot of beautiful, smiling photos of Meenakshi. ❤️
I had the pleasure and honour of working for Meenakshi as a testfolder in dozens of models. She was not only an amazing artist but also a wonderful and kind human being.
It's a huge loss for the Origami art. May she rest in peace.
I first met Meenakshi at my 2nd origami convention, PCOC in 2005, in Phoenix AZ. I missed her Daisy Sonobe Cube class, but met her later and asked her if she would have time to show me the unit. She very graciously sat down with me on a bench just outside the open folding area and showed me the unit. I was just starting to fold modulars and just loved that Daisy Unit. Later, of course, I learned more about Meenakshi and often visited her web page, and later bought most of her books. She had the greatest "vibes", calm, patient, kind, generous. She was, indeed, as others have said, a bright light in our community and a generous contributor, in so many ways.
I've happily used Meenakshi's diagrams and videos for many years but never met her. I crossed paths with her in NYC at the OUSA convention last year and let her know how much I enjoyed her work. I won't soon forget the gracious smile she beamed at me when she herd that.
I was shocked and sad when I heard of Meenakshi Mukerji’s passing. My condolences to the family.
She had been such an inspiration to the origami community. I remember discovering her website many many years ago and amazed by the numerous lovely kusudamas and her generosity in sharing her knowledge and diagrams on her site.
When my son showed interest in origami, I taught him using her books ‘Marvelous Modular Origami’ and ‘Ornamental Origamil’. He folded many models from them. Unfortunately we don’t have any of those models anymore.
I was very lucky to meet her in person at PCOC 2023. She was such a gentle, generous and creative soul. She will be sorely missed. Rest in Peace.
I met Meenakshi at her lone folder award ceremony at OUSA many years ago. We crossed paths at a few origami conventions since then. She was a beautiful human being whose grace and style will be missed by those that knew her personally. She was a gifted folder and I am happy that I own her books so that I can fold her creations and thus carry on her mission. RIP Meenakshi. You will be missed.
I missed Meenakshi at the Convention this year. She was so talented and full of creativity. Her excellent teaching skills, and kindness, will remain in our hearts.