[May 1, 2008]
The OrigamiUSA Awards Committee would like to remind our members that the deadline for nominations for the Ranana Benjamin Teaching Award and the Florence Temko "Lone Folder" Award is drawing near. Entries must be sent by email or snail mail by May 15th. For nominations or more information contact Rachel Katz by email or by mail to Rachel Katz, 45 Lone Oak Path, Smithtown, NY 11787. Award descriptions are as follows:
Ranana Benjamin Award
This annual award sponsored by the family of the late Ranana Benjamin an author of origami books as well as a teacher of children, of prisoners and many other groups. The honor goes to an origami teacher (particularly of children) for outstanding contributions in the teaching of origami. The winner's name is added to the beautiful trophy. The award includes $100 to spend at The Source.
Florence Temko Award
In honor of Florence Temko (CA), an award was established by OrigamiUSA to honor a "Lone Folder." Florence's prolific output of 2.75 million books (and still counting) has turned on many a folder to the love of origami. OrigamiUSA looks to bring in at least one of them into our origami community each year. The nominee must not already be a member of a recognized folding group at time of nomination. The recipient will receive free convention registration and housing for two nights, $100 towards travel, $50 to spend at The Source and a year's membership in OrigamiUSA.
Posted: May 1, 2008 - 10:29pm
Updated: April 5, 2011 - 1:48pm