Friday, November 1, 2024, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT
Charlene Morrow
World Origami Days Team
Charlene Morrow

Char has developed an ingenious way to honor someone's birthday. Through a modular quilt and some mathematics some aspect of the model matches the age of the birthday celebrant. Char will show some examples and will teach the version of this quilt that is a birthday gift for an 8 year old (8 = 2 cubed), or for a 29 year old (there are 29 pieces of paper in this quilt).


2 types of units (all squares; all same size; only one side shows) Recommended to learn with 3" (7.5 cm)

Color/Pattern 1: 1 sheet; Color/Pattern 2: 2 sheets; Color/Pattern 3: 4 sheets; Color/Pattern 4: 8 sheets; Connectors (they are the black pieces in the photo): 14 sheets.

It would be fine to make this model with 15 all of the same color squares (i.e., not different colors/patterns) and 14 of a contrasting color for the connectors. The best paper weight is regular kami to tant, not heavier.