This special Origami model was created to honor our beloved Harambe, while offering an opportunity for all to discuss and process our thoughts and feelings about this very sad event in our world. In moving on, the model can open the door to talk about the possibilities for future actions in managing ourselves and our care of all creatures on our planet.
Although this particular model is offered to deal with the grief and confusion such events can pose for children and adults as well, the activity of Origami can additionally help students in a multitude of ways. Students quickly learn the importance of following directions and maintaining focus. While developing fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial reasoning and problem solving skills, students interactively gain experience with math skills including fractions, symmetry, and geometry. Unfolding the finished model will reveal a pattern of creases offering more complex concepts for discussion. The expression of life events, math and science concepts though art, can bring tangible experience to, very often, elusive theories.