These videos are managed and distributed by OrigamiUSA. They are edited versions of the recordings from online events, available to members only. Additional videos will be added to this page as they become available (though no sooner than a year after the end of the event). If you have video editing skills and are interested in volunteering, please contact us at videos [at]

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Title Presentersort descending Event Year Keywords
Day 16: Renzuru, a circle of connection. Paula Pietranera World Origami Days 2022 teaching, intermediate, abstract, geometric, animals
Beaver Richard Ellison World Origami Days 2021 wet-folding, complex, animals, folding techniques
Lion Rob Snyder Origami Connect 2020 high intermediate, color-change, animals
Bull Rob Snyder Convention 2021 teaching, high intermediate, color-change, animals
Mouse Robert J. Lang World Origami Days 2021 teaching, complex, animals, video
Box Dogwood, Opus 803 Robert J. Lang UnConvention 2020 intermediate, plants
Star Flower Modular, Opus 817 Robert J. Lang UnConvention 2020 modular, high intermediate, color-change, geometric
Cardinal Robert Lang Convention 2015 intermediate, color-change, animals
Garibaldi, Opus 375 Robert Lang World Origami Days 2020 complex, animals
Taiwan Goldfish Robert Lang Convention 2017 high intermediate, animals
Guinea Pig, Opus 311 Robert Lang Convention 2021 teaching, wet-folding, complex, animals
Mary Anne's Butterfly Robert Lang Convention 2018 high intermediate, color-change, animals, arthropods
Inflatable Mouse Robert Lang Convention 2019 simple, animals
Octagonal Star Pot Robert Lang PCOC 2019 high intermediate, objects
Harlequin Brooch by Deb Pun ROSE MALINCONICO Convention 2021 teaching, modular, low intermediate, abstract, geometric
Bassett Hound Ryan Charpentier Origami Connect 2018 complex, color-change, animals
Joisel Rat Ryan Charpentier Origami Connect 2020 wet-folding, intermediate, animals
Sun Ryan Charpentier Origami Connect 2020 teaching, complex, color-change, geometric, objects
Fortune Cookie / Fortune Teller Sy Chen Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, color-change, objects
Flapping Butterflies Sy Chen Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, animals, arthropods
Modular Hybrid Unit and Its Math Tom Hull Origami Connect 2016 modular, math, geometric
Nested Octagon Twist Purses Tom Hull World Origami Days 2020 complex, math, geometric
The Majestic Snail Veda Kumar Convention 2021 teaching, intermediate, animals
Rose and Butterfly Wenhau Chao Origami Connect 2023 teaching, intermediate, color-change, abstract, animals, plants
Sonoran Rabbit Xander Arena Convention 2021 teaching, high intermediate, animals
