These videos are managed and distributed by OrigamiUSA. They are edited versions of the recordings from online events, available to members only. Additional videos will be added to this page as they become available (though no sooner than a year after the end of the event). If you have video editing skills and are interested in volunteering, please contact us at videos [at]

You must be an OrigamiUSA member or have an Access Pass to see these videos. Please login to your website account.

Title Presentersort descending Event Year Keywords
Santa Marc Kirschenbaum Convention 2021 convention, intermediate, color-change, animals
Turtle Marc Vigo (for OAS fundraiser) Origami Connect 2019 paper, high intermediate, color-change, animals, folding techniques
Little Flower Brooch Mariko Miyamoto Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, abstract, objects, plants
High Heeled shoe Mark Bolitho Convention 2021 convention, low intermediate, color-change, geometric, objects
Snitch Seeker: Wizards Game Mark Sigalovskiy Convention 2021 convention, teaching, complex, history, color-change
Modular Rose created by Viviane Berty Martin Quinn Origami Connect 2020
Butterfly Matthew Green Convention 2021 convention, high intermediate, arthropods
Mandala Matthew Green FoldFest 2023 teaching, modular, intermediate, abstract, geometric
Rhombase Dragon #3 Matthew Green Convention 2019 complex, animals
An Orchid for Susie Michael LaFosse UnConvention 2020 convention, teaching, complex
Lillian's Butterfly & Happy Good Luck Bat Michael LaFosse World Origami Days 2020 wet-folding, intermediate, animals
Sea Lion Michael LaFosse World Origami Days 2021 teaching, wet-folding, intermediate, animals
Maple Leaf Michael LaFosse World Origami Days 2021 teaching, wet-folding, intermediate, plants
Larry Hart Gem & Wind Turbine Michael Naughton Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, geometric
Simplified Box with Lucky Star Michał Kosmulski Convention 2021 teaching, high intermediate, geometric
Book Michał Kosmulski Origami Connect 2020 high intermediate, color-change, objects
Shamrock Box Michał Kosmulski World Origami Days 2020 boxes, high intermediate, complex, tessellation
Hedgehog Michał Kosmulski Origami Connect 2020 teaching, low intermediate, animals
Casiopea tessellation Miguel Ganan Convention 2021
Let's Make Bacon! Nancy Smiegowski Convention 2021 teaching, intermediate, animals
Buddha Head, Daisy’s Butterfly, Staircase Nick Robinson Origami Connect 2021 intermediate, abstract, geometric, animals
Spring Puff Ring Nobuko Okabe FoldFest 2022 teaching, modular, intermediate, abstract, geometric
Spinning Shooting Star Nobuko Okabe Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, abstract, geometric, objects
Penguin Oriol Esteve FoldFest 2022 teaching, high intermediate, color-change, animals
Unicorn Toy Oriol Esteve Convention 2021 teaching, intermediate, color-change, animals
