These videos are managed and distributed by OrigamiUSA. They are edited versions of the recordings from online events, available to members only. Additional videos will be added to this page as they become available (though no sooner than a year after the end of the event). If you have video editing skills and are interested in volunteering, please contact us at videos [at]

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Title Presenter Event Yearsort descending Keywords
Love and Fortune Cookies Leyla Torres Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, geometric, objects
Unicorn Toy Oriol Esteve Convention 2021 teaching, intermediate, color-change, animals
Bubo the Owl Adriano Mariani Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, color-change, animals
Bull Rob Snyder Convention 2021 teaching, high intermediate, color-change, animals
Snitch Seeker: Wizards Game Mark Sigalovskiy Convention 2021 convention, teaching, complex, history, color-change
Let's Make Bacon! Nancy Smiegowski Convention 2021 teaching, intermediate, animals
Guinea Pig, Opus 311 Robert Lang Convention 2021 teaching, wet-folding, complex, animals
Casiopea tessellation Miguel Ganan Convention 2021
Alice Gray’s Omega Star Secret Jan Polish Convention 2021 modular, intermediate, geometric, folding techniques
Modular Strip Unit Louise Oppenheimer-Flax Convention 2021 teaching, modular, intermediate, abstract, geometric
Camille (elephant) Adriano Mariani Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, color-change, animals
Compound Squares Tessellation Madonna Yoder Convention 2021 paper, teaching, complex, geometric, tessellation
The Majestic Snail Veda Kumar Convention 2021 teaching, intermediate, animals
Mandara Haguruma, cogwheel Yuko Amikura Convention 2021 modular, simple, low intermediate, geometric
Sonoran Rabbit Xander Arena Convention 2021 teaching, high intermediate, animals
Maple Leaf Michael LaFosse World Origami Days 2021 teaching, wet-folding, intermediate, plants
Little Flower Brooch Mariko Miyamoto Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, abstract, objects, plants
Modular Star Arlene Gorchov Convention 2021 teaching, modular, color-change, geometric
Santa Marc Kirschenbaum Convention 2021 convention, intermediate, color-change, animals
Duo Color Family Star Ilan Garibi Origami Connect 2021 modular, intermediate, color-change, abstract, geometric
High Heeled shoe Mark Bolitho Convention 2021 convention, low intermediate, color-change, geometric, objects
Dodecagonal Kaleidocycle Edward Holmes Convention 2021 modular, intermediate, geometric
Stackable Cube-Faced Cube Brian Beitel Origami Connect 2021 boxes, modular, intermediate, geometric
Sonobe Unit (with variation) Zander Bolgar Convention 2021 teaching, low intermediate, intermediate, color-change, abstract, geometric
Lecture: Crease Pattern Analysis Jason Ku FoldFest 2022
