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SKU: B25-001
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Miguel Ganan's book contains 25 boxes using tessellation grids which can even be used to create brooches. Each model has a crease pattern, detailed diagrams and instructions with a picture of the finished model. The book is nicely divided into sections to help folders understand the process. Sections include Introduction, Review of Basic Concepts, Boxes - 16 Divisional Grids, 20 Divisional Grids, 24 Divisional Grids, Boxes from Previous Book, Appendices, Basic Spanish-English Vocabulary (for folding terms), Symbols Used in the Book, References, and About the Author. Models include the Irish Cross, Hidden Cross I, Diamond Spiral, Hexagonal Star, Open Star, Cross, Giants and Dwarfs, Magellan Cloud, Maple Leaves, Oasis I, Inter-Racial Ring, The Inner Eye, Alhambra, Oasis, Nenufar I, Blooming Star, Cushions, Catamaran, Snowflake Propeller, Pleiades, Casino, 4 Over 1 Triangular Twists, Expanding Stars, Double Triangle Wheel, and Castle Towers.
144 pp PB (I-C) #B25-001