The annual election for the Board of Directors of OrigamiUSA will be held at the annual meeting of the members during our convention in June 2008. Proxies will be provided for those unable to attend in person. OrigamiUSA is currently seeking candidates for the six positions that will expire at that time.

Each member of the Board takes on areas of responsibility and short-term projects based on the member's skills and the needs of the organization. Prospective members should be prepared to make a commitment of time and energy beyond attending the monthly meetings. Requirements for the position are enthusiasm for origami and OrigamiUSA and the desire to make a contribution. In addition, candidates must have been a member of OrigamiUSA for at least one year prior to the election, either as an individual or as part of a family membership, and must be at least 21 years old.

This year elections will be for board members in Class A. Class A consists of six members, four local directors and two remote directors, who will have a two year term that will expire in 2010. (Note: As defined by the by-laws a "Local Director" is an individual whose statement to the Election Committee provides that he/she has the means, ability and intent to attend in person the annual meeting of the directors and at least 75% of all regular meetings of the Board. A "Remote Director" is any other individual.)

You may submit a nomination and/or offer your own candidacy. We must also receive a signed statement from the nominee noting (i) that such member meets the qualifications for director outlined in paragraph two above or set forth in Article III, Section 2 of the By-Laws, (ii) that such member is willing to serve if elected and (iii) indicating whether the nominee seeks
election as a Remote Director or as a Local Director (as defined above). Failure of any
such written notice to include the statement described in the preceding sentence shall invalidate the nomination.

Nominations must be postmarked no later than April 21, 2008. They should be mailed to: Election Committee, c/o Jean Baden-Gillette (Jean's contact information is on the Call for Nominations that members will receive via post, or you can send them to the OrigamiUSA Home Office via post or email). You will receive a confirmation within five days that it has been received. If you do not hear from us by April 25th, your nomination may not have been received and you should confirm receipt of the nomination.

Candidates will be notified outlining the information needed for the ballot. Ballots will be mailed in May. When you receive your ballot, please exercise your vote and let the nominees know you support their efforts. The election results will be tabulated and the new Board announced at the annual meeting in June. If you have any questions, please contact Jean Baden-Gillette or any Board member through the Home Office.