Origami Connect is OrigamiUSA’s program of online classes, open to anyone anywhere in the world, whether or not you are a member of OrigamiUSA. All you need is a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Origami Connect classes are taught in two or three sessions during the year, with individual classes happening approximately monthly. See the class listing below. You do not need to be a member of OrigamiUSA to attend Origami Connect classes.
Classes are around 2 hours long. All registrants will receive a link to the recording of the live event afterward. Register early! Registration and other information is in the ORIGAMI CONNECT menu at upper right.
Origami Connect uses the Zoom platform to connect. You will need to install the Zoom client on your computer. Learn more about connecting with Zoom.
All Origami Connect presenters are experienced artists, folders, and/or teachers, and all Origami Connect events include a facilitator. Presenters are volunteers donating their time and talent to share the joy of origami and connect folders everywhere. Please support us to help us keep this program affordable and accessible to as many folders as possible!
Coming Up
Tetsuya began learning origami at a young age while living in Japan. After moving to France as an adult, he started designing his own models. He specializes in and enjoys creating figurative designs. This particular model captures the essence of an owl in a playful and charming way.
20 cm (8") kami
Francesco Mancini from Italy was the special guest at the 2024 OrigamiUSA Convention. A familiar face at many online events, including Origami Connect, he is a prolific creator and a master teacher. Known for his love of modular origami, Francesco will introduce a brand-new model for our Winter/Spring season. This versatile design can be assembled with either 12 or 30 units.
12 or 30 Sheets of A7 Paper
A7 paper is 74 x 105 mm (2.9 x 4.1 inches)
Kate Lukasheva is a true master of modular origami, tessellations, and curved folding. In her creation Gothica, she combines modular and curved folding techniques to craft a stunning cube. While this isn't traditional origami, come with an open mind and your tools, and you'll be truly enchanted by the process.
7-8 sheets of Tant. Pastel preferred. Kami not recommended.
Piece of cardboard or plastic notebook cover to create a template
Ruler and pencil
Geometric Vase 1.1
This vase is a revised version of the original Geometric Vase that Michał taught at Centerfold. Folded from a hexagon, it remains flat through most of the steps, with an elegant folding sequence. The final step brings it to life, transforming it into a 3D shape.
As a bonus, Michał will demonstrate how to transform the vase into the stunning Christmas tree he shared on his Instagram during the holidays.
And if that weren't enough, Michał will also present a star model of his own creation along with a few more surprises if time permits.
Geometric Vase 1.1 and Vase Christmas Tree
2 hexagons measuring 8" (20cm) from copy paper or a bit thicker (not kami)
Pre-crease 8x8x8 grid on one
Pre-crease only diagonals on the second (no grid)
Hidden Gem Star
One hexagon 8" (20cm) or larger from Kami or other thin paper
Pre-crease 8x8x8 grid
Possible bonus models:
2 squares 6" (15cm) or larger from copy paper or thicker
Duo square (preferably red and black) 6" (15 cm) or larger
Questions? Email us at origamiconnect [at] origamiusa.org.