Paper cranes are the most popular form of origami, and have transformed the meaning behind these little works of art. The crane became a symbol of peace in Japan, where you can see strings of cranes placed at temples all over the country as well as at the Peace Park in Hiroshima. On our last day of World Origami Days (and the actual World Origami Day Celebration in Japan), we will fold the crane and a few variations and celebrate the peace of paper worldwide.
The crane attachment called Hanetsuki Tsuru is used in Tomoko Fuse's Crane Origami book for modular models and boxes. It's folded from 1:2 paper with two small cuts. In this class, I will show to complete the box decorated with this crane attachment.
Kami paper recommended;
Crane attachment 7.5 cm x 15 cm (3x6”) x 1 sheet;
Lid: 15 x15 cm (6”) x 2 sheets;
Box Body: 15 cm x 15 cm (6”) x 4 sheets;
A cutting tool (scissors or X-Acto knife).