Day 1A. Introduction/OrigamiUSA and JOAS Welcome
October 24, 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm EDT
Presenter: Wendy Zeichner and Marcio Noguchi
World Origami Days Team


To kick off World Origami Days we are celebrating the birthday of a woman who played a huge role in bringing origami to the West. October 24 is the birthday of Lillian Oppenheimer (1898-1992), who founded the first origami group in America. She was also one of the founders of the British Origami Society and OrigamiUSA. A dynamic woman, she was delighted in the magic to be found in a piece of paper and wanted to share it with the world. She famously held folding events in her apartment in NYC, and there are still those among us who attended those events. Happy Birthday, Lillian!

We will learn from Wendy Zeichner and Marcio Noguchi about the major organizations in the US and Japan and how World Origami Days became important.

Day 1B. Globe and Doll
October 24, 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm EDT
Presenter: Jun Maekawa
World Origami Days Team
Jun Maekawa

Globe: Download attachment to print or two squares 6" (15 cm) kami is fine (works better with slightly thicker paper); Doll: kami 6" (15 cm)

Welcome to World Origami Days (WOD) To kick off the 19 days of folding we will begin with a class by PCOC 2025 guest of honor, Jun Maekawa. Maekawa san will teach us 2 models: Globe and Doll. To fold the globe please print out the pdf attached to the description. The doll figure is a unique design using Leonardo da Vinci's Vetruvian Man for inspiration. As in previous WOD years, these kick off class designs are meant to be used as props for the pictures you will take of the models you fold throughout the days. Please post using #WorldOrigamiDays2024.

Day 2. 3 Envelope Folds: Heart Wishes, Christmas Wishes, Tulip Wishes
October 25, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Jannie van Schuylenburg
World Origami Days Team
Jannie van Schuylenburg

3 squares solid color duo paper 8 inch

While on vacation this past summer, Jannie created a series of envelopes with different decorations on each. Using the same base and a little origami magic, Jannie discovered a tree, a heart, a butterfly and much more. We will learn these three and hopefully, Jannie will include them in a future book.

Day 3. Felicitas
October 26, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Carmen Sprung
World Origami Days Team
Carmen Sprung

1 octagon, kami or kraft paper. (no pattern) Please cut octagon prior to the class. How to cut an octagon:
Recommended to fold and cut octagon from a 7.5" (20 cm) square.

Carmen has designed another awesome star, this one is folded from an octagon. As typical, this star shows Carmen's love for geometry. It's sure to be a new favorite!

Day 4. Horned Frog
October 27, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Li Jiahui
World Origami Days Team
Li Jiahui

1 sheet of 6"-9.5" (15-24 cm) kami

In this class you will learn to fold a 3D frog with irresistible charm. It's so cute you won't be able to fold just one!

Day 5. Fire and Ice
October 28, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Robert Lang
World Origami Days Team
Robert Lang

Six sheets of 6" (15 cm) kami, all the same color.

This is a modular design, an "edge" unit, which can be used for any convex polyhedron. We'll fold six units (the simplest possible polyhedron, a tetrahedron), but one can easily use it for large ones. One based on the edges of a cuboctahedron (24 units) is pictured.

Day 6. Cat-O'-Lantern v1
October 29, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Michelle Fung
World Origami Days Team
Michelle Fung

12" (30 cm) square paper with different colors on opposite sides. The paper should be about as thin as standard origami paper.

True to her style, Michelle designed this cute yet complex model of a cat and jack-o'-lantern. Surprisingly they are both folded from the same uncut square. Michelle will be a PCOC 2025 guest of honor.

Day 7. Hina Doll Boxes
October 30, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Anne LaVin
World Origami Days Team
Akiko Yamanashi

Recommended: 6” (15 cm) (or larger)
Two sheets of solid color (lower bodies)
Two patterned sheets (kimono & upper body)
One black sheet (hair)

Tools: Cutting tool (Paper will be cut proportionally at the beginning of the class)

These are delightfully clever decorative boxes, made to look like the traditional "Hina Dolls" from the traditional Japanese "Hinamatsuri" or Doll's Day Festival. They represent a traditionally-dressed Emperor and Empress of the Japanese Imperial Court.

Day 8. Narwhal
October 31, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Michael G. LaFosse
World Origami Days Team
Michael G. LaFosse

8-10" (20-25 cm) square. You can use any quality you like to fold, even foil. Color recommendations: White through dusky gray; speckled with black if you can manage it. The back side should be white--this is a color-change model; the "unicorn horn" will be white.

Narwhals are unique among toothed whales. The male is distinguished by his protruding, unicorn-horn-like two front teeth. The tail flukes are also unusual; this origami model satisfactorily represents their unusual profiles. This 3-D model may be wet or dry-folded.

Day 9. Powers of Two Quilt
November 1, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Charlene Morrow
World Origami Days Team
Charlene Morrow

2 types of units (all squares; all same size; only one side shows) Recommended to learn with 3" (7.5 cm)

Color/Pattern 1: 1 sheet; Color/Pattern 2: 2 sheets; Color/Pattern 3: 4 sheets; Color/Pattern 4: 8 sheets; Connectors (they are the black pieces in the photo): 14 sheets.

It would be fine to make this model with 15 all of the same color squares (i.e., not different colors/patterns) and 14 of a contrasting color for the connectors. The best paper weight is regular kami to tant, not heavier.

Char has developed an ingenious way to honor someone's birthday. Through a modular quilt and some mathematics some aspect of the model matches the age of the birthday celebrant. Char will show some examples and will teach the version of this quilt that is a birthday gift for an 8 year old (8 = 2 cubed), or for a 29 year old (there are 29 pieces of paper in this quilt).

Day 10. Trashbot
November 2, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT
Presenter: Brian Chan
World Origami Days Team
Brian Chan

A square of foil-backed paper, at least 12" (30 cm).

This familiar little trashbot was inspired by the Pixar film, "Wall-E". When folded from foil paper, the eyes and arms can be posed expressively.

Day 11. Seahorse
November 3, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Presenter: Richard Ellison
World Origami Days Team
Eric Joisel

A square 10-14" (25-30 cm) tissue foil or foil backed paper.
A tool with a short, flat, thin edge, possibly a cut up, cancelled credit card or a spent gift card. Richard uses the flat bladed end of his Chartpak adjustable burnisher. A flat paint scraper and one or two small clothespins or clamps could also be useful.

If you have ever heard origami described as something like “sculpture from paper,” this design is truly an example of that. Eric Joisel’s Seahorse is a work of origami with a simple base and extraordinary shaping. The base can be formed in minutes, but completing the final form can take an hour or more. The result will be as much a test of your ability to sculpt, as it is of your ability to follow instructions.

Day 12. Poinsettia and Patchwork Wreath
November 4, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST
Presenter: Miyuki Kawamura
World Origami Days Team
Miyuki Kawamura

Poinsettia: Eight 3" (7.5 cm) squares Wreath: Eight 3" (7.5 cm) squares. Duo color paper recommended for both models.

The holidays are right around the corner! Let's get ready by folding a poinsettia and wreath. Miyuki-san, the master of modulars, will teach these brand new models.

Day 13. Cardinal HP
November 5, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST
Presenter: Brandon Wong
World Origmi Days Team
Brandon Wong

25cm sheet of kami (or other duo color paper)

This cardinal is a complex non-uniaxial hex pleating (HP) model, featuring color changes and a puffy 3d belly. The grid is a 12x12x12 hex grid on square paper.

This is a pretty difficult model even compared to other hex pleated designs, so having experience with box pleating would be helpful if this is your first time using hex pleating.

Day 14. $ Gibson Flying V Guitar
November 6, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST
Presenter: Glenn Sapaden
World Origami Days Team
Glenn Sapaden

Crisp, foldable American dollar bill. Tools: A bone folder and a small pair of pliers may be useful but not required.

Gibson Guitars first issued the Flying V model in 1958. This model celebrates that iconic instrument. Students should be comfortable folding dollar bills.

Day 15. Surprise
November 7, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST
Presenter: Jeremy Shafer
World Origami Days Team
Jeremy Shafer

6 " (15 cm) kami (multiple pieces)

Jeremy is constantly creating new models and we are lucky to have a sneak peek of models soon to hit his YouTube channel.

Day 16. Wolf
November 8, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST
Presenter: Beth Johnson
World Origami Days Team
Beth Johnson

10”/25cm + square kami (duo not needed)

This model was inspired by a trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where a grey wolf crossed Beth's path while driving down the road. A very rare sighting that she'll never forget. The model has a nice folding sequence and no color changes.

Day 17. OctaStar
November 9, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
High Intermediate
Presenter: Francesco Mancini
World Origami Days Team
Francesco Mancini

30 Squares of 3" (7.5) squares, kami or duo kami

Francesco was a special guest at the OrigamiUSA Annual convention. We are delighted he is also joining us for World Origami Days! He will teach a 30 unit modular that has two configurations of the color change, inside and outside.

Day 18. Hilula Tessellation and Minor Variations
November 10, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Presenter: Ilan Garibi
World Origami Days Team
Ilan Garibi

4 sheets, 15 cm X 3, 25 cm X 1 (Elephant Hide is best. (110-120 gsm)

This tessellation molecule is made from straight lines only, but the result is surprisingly curvish. Hilula means festivities, making it appropriate as we celebrate World Origami Days.

Day 19. Mother and Child Cranes
November 11, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST
Presenter: Linda Mihara
World Origami Days Team
Linda Mihara

One sheet of medium-weight Kozo, Mulberry, or Chiyogami/Yuzen, measuring 8 1/2" x 14" (US Legal size). Copy paper is not recommended.

A sharp knife or blade and a straight-edge or metal ruler for the cutting. Tape (optional) to reinforce connections.

This piece is created using the Rokoan technique, where multiple cranes are folded from a single sheet of paper. Linda has created this special model for World Origami Days.