How to Contact Us
To contact someone with convention questions, please go to this webpage. There are links there to contact people in charge of each major area of responsibility.
Model Menu and Teacher Ticketing Priority
We need to have the Model Menu ready for Friday evening's Open House, and in recent years many people have brought their models very late on Friday, or even on Saturday. This makes it very difficult for Attendees to plan their schedules, and so this year we have added a time limit to Teacher Ticketing Priority requirements. All teachers must have provided their models by 6:45 pm on Friday or they will not be permitted to obtain Teacher Ticketing Priority.
Exhibition Changes
Last year we added the requirement that Exhibitors must spend at least one hour volunteering in the Exhibition Area, and it was a great success. Visitors loved having knowledgeable people available, and it ensured that there was someone present to supervise the area at all times. We will continue this policy this year. So if you're exhibiting, be prepared to sign up for your shift(s) when you set-up your exhibit. Note: if you are teaching more than four hours, you are exempt from this requirement.
It takes quite a while to plan the exhibit, and to prepare the signs, index of exhibitors, etc. This year, therefore, we've added a deadline. In order to exhibit, you must send in your request by June 12!
4th Annual ATC Trade
Once again, there will be an ATC (Artist Trading Card) Exchange at the Convention. If you're interested in participating, or want more information, please read this information about the ATC Trade.
Non-Folding Parents and Guardian
Sometimes it's not clear where non-folding guardians can go, and some expect to join their child in class. This is not desirable for several reasons: each student in class should be able to fold independently, there are sometimes limited seats, and parents and other guardians can be distracting. We ask that non-folding guardians wait in the Hospitality Area or outside the room. If a guardian wishes to join their child in class, they must register as folding Attendees with Classes. If there are cases of handicaps or other restrictions where an aide is indeed necessary, please let the convention organizers know ahead of time, and we'll make special arrangements. Guardians: consider volunteering while you wait for your child. We'll make sure that your assignment is in a centralized location where your child can find you easily. And if you wait in the Hospitality Area, please make sure that you and your child identify a specific location in the room to meet.
New Volunteer Process
This year we're going to try something a bit different in volunteer assignments. If you volunteered in a particular area last year, and would like to repeat your assignment this year, you'll get priority for that area. We'll be sending out emails to some of our volunteers from last year, asking if you'd like to do the same thing again. But we do ask that you complete the volunteer forms, either on the web or in hard copy, as soon as you know you're definitely going to be at convention. New volunteer or prefer re-assignment to a new area? Please let us know as soon as possible what you'd like to do.