Origami enthusiasts/folders/creators from around the world are hereby cordially invited to submit diagrams of their original models for publication in a diagram book in conjunction with the 5OSME PLUS! convention.

Contributors whose models are selected for publication will get a free copy of the diagram book. In the case where the diagrammer and creator are different persons, both will be acknowledged in the book, but only the one who submitted the model for publication will get a free copy. If the contributor is unable to attend the convention, the book will be sent to him/her via media mail.

Due to copyright issues, only models that have not been published elsewhere will be considered.

Please include your name and email address. Contributors will be notified via email whether their models have been chosen for publication. The organising committee will make the selection based on the level of difficulty, the limitation on the total number of pages in the book, quality of the drawings and subject matter.

Please submit your diagrams to 5osme.diagrams [at] gmail.com.

Deadline for submission: January 31, 2010

Content of Submission

  • Title of the model (required)
  • Name of the creator (required)
  • Name of the diagrammer (if different from creator)
  • Country of origin (required)
  • A complete step-by-step guide of how to fold the model (required)
  • A black and white photo of the completed model (optional, .jpg, .gif, .tiff format)
  • A crease pattern (optional)
  • A short introduction of the model, creator, inspiration, paper recommendation, acknowledgement etc. (optional)


English is recommended, but we accept explanatory text accompanying the diagrams written in other languages as long as the diagrams are clearly understandable.

Subject Matter

Any subject matter: living organisms, inanimate objects, modular, etc.

Preferred File Format

Pdf, MSWord (.doc), Inkscape (.svg). We apologise that we are only able to accept electronic submission. If the diagrams are hand-drawn, please submit the scanned copy. Minimum resolution is 600 dpi.

Page Size

A4, with 1-inch (25.4 mm) margins on 4 sides.

Model Difficulty

Any level. The organising committee will test fold all the models. If we are unable to reproduce the creator's result, it may affect the model's acceptance for publication.


Standard origami notation. Please refer to this article for a guideline as to what constitutes good diagrams.

Copyright Policy

The creator retains the right to the model as well as the diagrams and the 5OSME PLUS! organization shall not publish them elsewhere without prior consent of the creator. However, by submitting the model to the 5OSME PLUS! diagram book, the creator is implicitly granting the right to anyone to freely fold and duplicate the model for personal (i.e., non-commercial) use. Please refer to the OrigamiUSA Copyright page on this website for a more detailed discussion of copyright policy as it pertains to origami.

Any queries related to the diagram submission can be directed to 5osme.diagrams [at] gmail.com.