Registration is simple: for one low price of $40 ($35 for OrigamiUSA members), you can attend all of the online classes. Use the link below to register.

Once you've registered, you will be able to see a Zoom link in the description for each class that will appear by October 17, 3:00 pm EDT.

Registration will remain open throughout World Origami Days (October 24November 11) to allow for latecomers to attend.

Anyone who registers will also get access to the recordings, which will appear in the class descriptions within 24 hours after each class finishes.

Here are some tips for attendance and information about Zoom. Please note that all attendees of World Origami Days 2022 must agree to follow the OrigamiUSA Code of Conduct.

For questions about WOD 2022, please email wod-info [at]

Your World Origami Days 2022 registrations:
