The newest file downloads in The Origami Source (newest listed first).
Space Ship

Space Ship [pdf]

Price: $3.00

Lupine [pdf]

Price: $3.29

Vertigo [pdf]

Price: $2.00
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron

Deltoidal Hexecontahedron [pdf]

Price: $2.69
origami basket for gift and flowers

Flower Basket [pdf]

Price: $1.65
toy model, origami toy bird,

Toy Action Bird [pdf]

Price: $2.30
hahaha! your browser sucks

Origami Mimic [pdf]

Price: $1.50
origami man, simple model

Little Man [pdf]

Price: $1.60
eagle from dollar

Dollar Eagle Vulture [pdf]

Price: $1.60
origami house

House [pdf]

Price: $1.25
Origam tea pot, Origami gift bag

Tea Pot Gift Bag [pdf]

Price: $2.25
Origami Cheerleader Outfit, Origami Tennis Outfit, Origami Ice Skating Outfit

Varsity Cheerleader/tennis/ice Skating Outfit [pdf]

Price: $2.50
Origami church

Church [pdf]

Price: $1.25
Origami cruise ship, origami boat

Cruise Ship [pdf]

Price: $1.95
Origami dress, shoes, purse

“spring Fling” – an Origami Dress with “slides” and Clutch Purse [pdf]

Price: $3.95
Origami Jack Rabbit, Origami rabbit, Origami bunny

Jack Rabbit [pdf]

Price: $2.25
Origami bathing suit, Origami Transformer

50’s & 80’s Style Bathing Suits – an Origami Transformer [pdf]

Price: $1.95
Origami heart

Transformed in Love - a Tribute to Maya Angelou [pdf]

Price: $2.25
Origami Wedding Dress

Wedding Dress [pdf]

Price: $2.50
basket for gift

Basket [pdf]

Price: $1.85

Origami Trowel [pdf]

Price: $1.00
Origami cross variation 3 (line drawing)

Cross Variation 3 with Printable Pattern [pdf]

Price: $2.30

Super Easy Modular Triangle Kusudama / Polyhedron / Icosidodecahedron [pdf]

Price: $2.00
jet fighter model

Jet Fighter [pdf]

Price: $2.00
