The newest file downloads in The Origami Source (newest listed first).
Image of a standing origami root beer float mug with paper straw and a standing origami beer mug; both models created and folded by Cynthia Blankenship.

Standing Root Beer Float [pdf]

Price: $1.99
pixel 5x5

Pixel 5x5 [pdf]

Price: $1.50
Animated Origami Faces cover

Animated Origami Faces [pdf]

Price: $10.00

Origami Trucks [pdf]

Price: $4.99
Origami Cars

Origami Cars [pdf]

Price: $4.99

Modular Origami with Super Nobu Unit [pdf]

Price: $11.00
origami motorcycle

Origami Motorcycle [pdf]

Price: $1.50

Triangular Gift Box Origami [pdf]

Price: $5.00

More Tipping with Origami Money Folds [pdf]

Price: $5.00

Origami Bowls, Vases, & More [pdf]

Price: $7.00
Top left: Hanging Christmas bauble, Top right: Christmas action star - pops into tent shape when moved, Bottom left: Snack bowl for the unwary, Bottom right: Flower star shape

Popping Christmas Star [pdf]

Price: $2.00

Sassafras leaf [pdf]

Price: $3.49
Cover_Wildlife of the Southeast: A Collection of Eight Origami Projects

Wildlife of the Southeast: A Collection of Eight Origami Projects [pdf]

Price: $9.50
Origami All Kinds

Origami All Kinds: Single Sheet and Modular Designs [pdf]

Price: $10.20

Bull [pdf]

Price: $2.00
the bats have left the bell tower

Bell Tower Bat [pdf]

Price: $4.00

Origami Squid [pdf]

Price: $4.00

Lollipop 3.5 & Lollipop 3.0 [pdf]

Price: $5.99
Space Kusudama

Space Kusudama [pdf]

Price: $4.00
Origami Kusudama

Aimi Kusudama [pdf]

Price: $3.00
Evie (Origami Dog)

Diagrams: Evie (Dog) [pdf] [pdf]

Price: $3.00
Ayo Melipat ( Let's Fold )

Ayo Melipat ( Let's Fold ) Origami Star and Kusudama [pdf]

Price: $18.00
Origami Hearts

Origami Hearts: I❤U/LOVE [pdf]

Price: $8.00

The Bases of Folding [pdf]

Price: $0.00
