Through special arrangement, Paper Tree — The Origami Store will be selling a World Origami Days Paper Pack, filled with all the essential origami paper you'll need for WOD 2020 classes. The cost of the paper pack is only $25; a bargain compared to buying them all individually!
The Paper Pack from Paper Tree is SOLD OUT and no back orders are available. However, The Source has wonderful paper in a variety of sizes. Just choose the size of paper you need!
For WOD 2020, we are making available items that we normally only sell in person at Convention. These will be available in The Origami Source for a limited time only while supplies last beginning shortly before WOD 2020 opens on Saturday, October 24. The sale will end a few days after WOD 2020 closes on November 11.
We are pleased to announce sponsorships for WOD2020 from Aitoh and from Tuttle Publishing. Every order at The Source placed during WOD2020 will include 2 free packages of paper (one paper from Tuttle and one paper from Aitoh!)
Orders must be received between Oct. 24, 2020 and Nov. 14, 2020 to get the free paper (available while supplies last). All items sold at The Source during this timeframe are eligible for this promotion.
These are all the events of WOD 2020 and the recommended supplies for each. Download this list in PDF form.
For the layer cake slice:
2 pcs 6" (15 x 15 cm)
1 pc of letter-size paper A4 or 8 1/2 x 11 (scissors to trim to size).
Icing decoration for the top:
1 or 2 pcs 2" (5 cm),
thin curling tool, dab of glue.
4 sheets of letter-size paper or print out WOD template.
One 25 cm (10") or larger sheet of kami (thin foil-backed paper also works well).
30 squares of 4–5" kami, though we will fold only 6 pieces during the class.
Paper needed: For 1 star we need eight 1:3 rectangles. If you want you can prepare these rectangles ahead of time. Carmen recommends a size of at least 5cm x 15cm. 3 squares, each 15cm x 15cm, are enough, but depending on how many colors you want to use you may need more. Also, please have some extra 1:3 rectangles on hand. Kami or kraft paper is recommended. Also, have 1 big square measuring 30cm x 30cm for the quick rectangle method mentioned below.
You will need a cutting tool for cutting rectangles and scissors for trimming the modules at the end. Carmen will show an easy and quick way to cut twelve 1:3-rectangles from the 30cm x 30cm square. We will fold and assemble all eight modules of the new Olga-variation (2019). For understanding the folding of the original Olga-star (2010) we will fold only two modules.
Use at least a 12" square precreased into a 32x32 grid of all valley folds.
Crisp dollar bills or rectangles in a 3:7 height to width ratio.
As for papers, I'd like participants to prepare:
* 6" square with precreased 6x6 grid (for the intermediate variant);
* 6" square with NO creases (for the bottom part of the box);
* 3" square with precreased 8x8 grid which we'll use as a teaching aid to show a fragment of the complex model;
* 8-10" square with precreased 20x20 grid (for the complex variant).
The preferred paper is 80 gsm or thicker (copy paper, Tant, Elephant Hide). Kami will not be the best choice for this model. Green color is preferred, but thickness is more important than color.
Paper for Butterfly for Lillian: Solid-color "duo" paper at least 15 cm square (a.k.a "six-inch"). May be larger—any colors you like.
Paper for Bat: "TANT" or "Canford 150gms" paper at least 15 cm square (a.k.a "six-inch") 8-inch maximum. Any color you like. Cut the square diagonally in half, producing two half-square triangles.
Tools: Paper towels, water (a spray bottle or a cup), a bamboo skewer, or a thin knitting needle.
One sheet of high-quality washi, mulberry, or Yuzen Chiyogami measuring 10 to 12 inches (24 to 30 cm) square. A solid color is preferred. Scissors or sharp knife with a straight edge, and a bone folder or other folding tool, tape if necessary.
10"/25 cm paper (kami or biotope or similarly thin paper). A straight edge, scoring tool, and pencil could be helpful but are not necessary.
2 sheets of paper at least 12-inch (30 cm) square. Duo is a good choice for one of the squares, which will become the top, since both sides can show. The second square will become the bottom and only 1 side will show. Something lighter weight than scrapbooking paper is recommended - kami is a good choice. If you like working with heavy paper that has lots of layers to fold at once, then feel free to use scrapbooking paper, but lighter weight paper will be easier for learning. If time permits I will teach a second box top, so you could have ready an extra square of 10 to 12 inch (24 cm) or larger paper that is not duo.
Vase: a hexagon from a square of 20 cm. Thick paper (200 gsm) is better.
Leaves: Squares: 25 cm, 20 cm and 15 cm. Any paper of 80/90 gsm.
Paper: pentagonal paper, precisely cut (or means to get it quickly), preferably Tant or Elephant Hide.
Tools: burnisher, cutting mat (small size is fine), ruler.
Paper: 4 sheets of paper measuring no smaller than 8x8". Kathleen prefers 12x12"/30x30 cm. To make a traditional, yet somewhat delicate thread book, handmade papers such as Lokta, Mulberry, Washi, and Chiyogami work well. Other options: old maps, texts, and musical scores. Anything light in weight is ideal. For a sturdier version, scrapbooking paper works just fine. Coordinating colors and patterns are recommended.
Tools: something to cut papers in half, optional glue, ribbon 30 inches (or 76 cm).
Several sheets of A4 or U.S. letter size paper. One sheet of duo paper letter paper.
Several sheets of 6"/15 cm kami and scissors to cut paper.