Brighten Up A Rainy Day!

Topic: Why not add some whimsy and fun to our Pacific Northwest by choosing anything "rain" related and rendering it with folding. This might be an umbrella, a pair of galoshes, rain depicted in a tessellation, or anything else that falls under the topic of "rain."
Eligibility and Exhibition: Anyone can participate by submitting a model. Design your figure, fold it beautifully, and bring to the PCOC 2011 Convention in Bellevue, where it will be displayed in a special exhibition area.
If you are not planning to attend, please find someone who is attending to bring your model for you.
Prize: The purpose of this challenge is to stretch your own abilities, see what others have done, and have others see what you have done. All the same, there might be a prize at the event! Do you feel lucky and creative? We hope so!