Several of the PCOC 2021 classes are recorded and both in-person paid registrants and online registrants will receive the link to the recordings by November 11. You can attend the classes live, watch the recordings or both.

Also by November 11, recordings will be available directly from the individual class pages. To find a class recording,

  1. Go to the class schedule (either the class grids or the list of online classes;
  2. Go to the day that the class was in;
  3. Go to the individual class by clicking or tapping its title. Recorded classes on the grids are marked by a icon.

The recording link will be shown on the class page. You will need to be logged into your website account and, of course, must have registered for PCOC (Value Package or at least one Day Pass or Online) or for the recordings separately (see below).

You can also search for individual classes using the Search box at the top of the page.

You can still register after PCOC has started because you'll get the recordings of the classes that you missed. After PCOC has ended, you can also register just to get the recordings (see below).

Please note that these are the raw recordings from Zoom. The recordings have not been edited and are not downloadable. You can watch them on the Zoom site directly by clicking on the links. We plan to keep them available at least through June 30, 2022.

After PCOC

If you missed registering for PCOC 2021, you can still purchase access to the recording links, using the link below, for the originalonline registration price, $35 for the general public, with a $5 discount for OrigamiUSA members. After you receive confirmation of you registration, you will be able to find the links on the individual class pages as described above. Please do not share the links.

Recording Forms

Your recording registrations:



  • PCOC recordings registration is closed.