Class Previews

The links below show the classes that people have volunteered to teach, provided here—with pictures—to give you a glimpse of what is planned (and, perhaps, to inspire you to register to teach a few classes yourself!). Please note that these are not fixed; people's plans change, and the order on the listing is merely reverse order of submission. The final schedule—with pictures—will be available March 5, 1:00 pm EST.

Class Schedules

Here are the final online class schedules. Each entry has 1–3 pictures of the model being taught—uploaded from the class previews—along with other class-related information: description, special requirements, advisories, etc.

Printable Schedules, Advisories and Bibliography

Here are printable class schedules, advisories (important notes from the teacher about skill levels and further details of the class description) and the bibliography. Web browsers differ in their printing fidelity; our experience is that Chrome and Firefox do a better job than Safari. (YMMV.) Copies of these documents will also be available at the Information Desk on site.