One of the many highlights of this year's COcon will be the origami exhibition by attendees, which will also be a great treat for those in the Chicago area!

Exhibition Hours

The exhibition will be open to both registered COcon attendees and the general public during the following hours:

  • Saturday: 9:00 am–5:00 pm
  • Sunday: 9:00 am–4:00 pm

You can download a PDF of the exhibition flyer.

Exhibiting Your Art

Everyone is welcome to exhibit their artwork at this year's COcon. In order to have space set aside for you, you must either (a) register for COcon or (b) send your artwork with a registered attendee (see additional notes below). In either case, the registered attendee must also fill out the exhibition registration form whether it's a single piece or a group of artworks.

You have registered the following people to exhibit at COcon:

  • Registration for COcon exhibition is now closed.

Registration for COcon Exhibition will open on January 8, 1:00 pm EST for everyone. You must register for COcon before you can sign up for exhibition space. Tables are 6’ (1.8 meters).

Since COcon is an all-age, inclusive event, please keep your entry “G-Rated” (appropriate even for children to look at) and also non-political. If you are not sure of its appropriateness, please ask us at cocon-exhibition [at]

Setup and Takedown

When you arrive to set up, please check in with the exhibition manager at the exhibition site to find out the assigned location of your individual display. At the exhibition site, origami should be set up between 7:00 pm–9:00 pm on Friday and taken down between 4:00 pm–5:00 pm on Sunday. For each exhibitor, we will provide a name card and exhibition space. Space will be assigned ahead of time based on the requirements that you specify on the Exhibition registration form (link above). Exhibition by non-attending members must be facilitated by an attending member who will be responsible for bringing, setting up, taking down and returning the exhibited work. Any work not taken down by 5:00 pm on Sunday will become property of OrigamiUSA.

Once you enter the exhibition site you will see tables covered with cloths. Tables will be labeled with the exhibitor's name. Any raised platforms should be brought from home. Artists can store empty boxes and packaging materials under the tables but must be removed at the end of the exhibition or they will be thrown away.

Presentation and Labeling

Try not to overcrowd your models. Each model needs to be identified but the format can be flexible, for example, a small 2" x 3" label by each model in the format of

  • Title
  • Creator
  • Folder

The label can be flat, tent fold-over cards, or some other design as long as the label is unobtrusive and informative.

As optional information, you might consider the date of the composition and folding, the medium (type of paper, square or other shape), and/or crease pattern, if available.


We will allow photography in the exhibition for personal use only. "Personal use" means one's own records and/or posting on one's own non-commercial web page or social network page. OrigamiUSA will also post photographs of the exhibition on our own website (see here for some examples) and social network pages (e.g., Facebook, Instagram). Photography for commercial use is, in general, prohibited. If you wish to take photographs for eventual commercial use, you must obtain permission from both the folder of the works and, if different, the creator of the original artwork.

If you do not wish to allow photography of your work, please place a prominent notice to that effect at your exhibition space, and we will ask visitors to respect that.


Origami artwork is fragile and easily damaged; for this reason, there is no touching or handling allowed of the origami works on display without permission, for any reason. If you are photographing a work and you want to move it to get a better angle or backdrop, you must obtain permission from the artist to do so.


We are asking each exhibitor to please volunteer at least one hour of time to monitor the exhibition area, which will be open to the public. Not only does this ensure that the models will be safe, but it provides an opportunity to interact with visitors and answer any questions they might have about the models, and origami in general. A sign-up sheet will be available Friday night in the Exhibition area.

If you have any questions, email cocon-exhibition [at]