Origami Convention 2014 will be held at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), located on 27th Street between 7th and 8th Avenue, New York City June 27–30. It is open to OrigamiUSA members only (but you can join when you register).
The immediate neighborhood is one of industrial lofts, with varied restaurants and few shops, but excellent access to transportation. There are more extensive shops and restaurants within a five-minute walk. For more information about your trip to New York City, please click here for Travel Information or on the Travel menu item to the left.
Early registration for the Convention and housing at FIT is essential. Please click here for Registration Information and Accommodations Information or on the menu items to the left.
U.S. residents must be a member to attend the Annual Convention. International attendees do not have to be members. You can join or renew your membership here.
If you are interested in Volunteering, Teaching or Exhibiting at the 2014 Convention, please click here for Volunteering Information, here for Teaching Information, or here for Exhibition Information or on the menu items to the left and fill out the forms to let us know what you would like to do, teach or bring.
For the complete list of the times for Convention activities, please click here or on the Hours menu item to the left.
Downloadable Registration Forms
If you would rather print out and mail your registration forms, you can download them here. To complete forms not listed in the PDF's below (Teaching, Volunteering, Exhibition Registration, Silent Auction donation, Gold Mine Consignment or Mobile Library request) print the form from the relevant webpage. Send them to the Home Office, OrigamiUSA Convention 2014, 15 W. 77th St., New York, NY, 10024-5192.
- Mail-in registration for Convention is now closed.
Return your completed registration forms, vendor forms, or "Sorry, I Can't Attend" forms to OrigamiUSA, 15 West 77 Street, New York,NY 10024-5192. Please include a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope for your convention confirmation.
Return your completed housing forms to Martha Winslow-Cole, 5222 Duck Springs Road, Attalla, AL 35954. Please include a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope if you want a written housing confirmation, or your email address if you would prefer an electronic confirmation.
Considering attending Origami Convention for the first time? We'll do everything we can to make your experience a memorable one. We'll provide information about New York City and have an orientation session on Friday night. Get an overview of the Convention here and get First Timer Information here.
If you have some general questions, please contact us by email here or contact us in the Home-Office at 212-769-5635.
On-Line Teaching Preview, Schedule and Model Menu
You'll be able to view the classes people are planning to teach as soon as they offer them, including photos if the teachers add them. Be warned that these are not final classes or descriptions – we will probably make lots of changes once we initiate discussion with the teachers – but you'll be able to get an idea of what has been offered. In addition, the final schedule will be available on-line by Wednesday of convention week. Photos will be available on the schedule, so that you'll be able to avoid the crowds at the physical Model Menu by sitting with the virtual Model Menu on your laptop, tablet or phone. Free WiFi will be available in the Hospitality area.
Access Summary
Current members who are not registered for Origami Convention 2014 are welcome to visit the Sales Areas or the Exhibition at any time Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Please stop at the first floor Registration Desk in Building C to obtain a temporary nametag for access to those areas only. Remember that you must be registered as an Attendee to enter the Hospitality Area. Parents or guardians who require access to the site to pick-up or deliver members must be listed as a Guardian on the Attendee's registration form. Only one Guardian badge per underage attendee will be issued.
Non-members, including family and friends of members, may visit the public areas (Sales and Exhibition) on Saturday or Sunday from 10:30am to 4:30pm only, for a fee of $5 for adults, free for children under 12.
Annual Meeting and Voting
The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to learn more about our organization. The meeting takes place in two parts. The first part is held in the Great Hall from 12:15 pm–1:45 pm on Saturday and is used for voting only. An Election Committee member will be at the Information Desk to confirm your eligibility to vote and give you a ballot. For more information about our election process including our preferred use of proxy ballots, please visit the elections page or contact the Elections Committee at elections [at] origamiusa.org. The results of the election are announced at the end of the second part of the meeting.
The second part of the meeting is held on Saturday from 5:30pm–6:30pm. This includes reports from the Board and Operating Committee members on all the activities of OrigamiUSA. Come for the entire meeting and you will be eligible for a door prize!
Survival Kit
Everyone gets one - lots of paper and a variety of informative materials. Do you have any (non-commercial) information you would like us to include? Contact us in the Home-Office before the end of May.
Gold Mine Consignment
There's been some confusion about what can and can't be consigned or sold to the Gold Mine, so we've clarified the policies, percentages, etc. Check the webpage for Gold Mine to see details. In addition, there's a form to fill out to reserve spots in the Gold Mine, and to let us know what to expect. We'll send an email to acknowledge and confirm.
Silent Auction
Thinking about bringing or sending something for Silent Auction? Please complete the web form to let us know what you're bringing so that we can plan the space, and so that we can answer questions if you have them. We'll send an email to acknowledge and confirm.
Other Activities
There are several activities going on during the convention organized by members. There is more information here.
The Origami Collection
The Origami Collection is our annual book publication. Every year OrigamiUSA publishes a book of diagrams for the latest creations by folders from around the world. It normally has in excess of 100 diagrams and 200-250 pages.
T-Shirt Reservations
You can order t-shirts in advance, and they’ll be waiting for you, size guaranteed at the Origami Source. For pick-up at Convention, order them with your Attendee Registration. If you cannot attend, you can order T-shirts through the "Sorry I Can't Attend" page.
Teaching Skills Class
If you’ve signed up to teach and are even slightly unsure of your skills, or if you’ve always wanted to teach but want to learn more about it, we’re here to help! There will be a Teaching Skills class on Friday at 9 pm. Please consider attending, even if you’re an experienced teacher.
Airplane Contest
Join us on Sunday at lunchtime to release your inner Amelia Earhart or Red Baron, and compete with your fellow pilots in the Distance, Accuracy to a Target and Time Aloft categories. Prizes will be given. Note the following rules: each plane must be made from one piece of paper, without cutting or glue, and no weights or tape may be added to the plane.
Convention Pros
Experienced convention attendees know to look for ribbons on name tags to help identify the wearer: First Timers in yellow, and Board Members and Convention Committee Members in red. We're looking for Convention Pros, people who've been coming to convention for years, and are willing to help if someone has a question. If you're interested in being a Convention Pro, please check the appropriate box on the registration form.
Monday Night Dinner
Monday Night Dinner is a wonderful opportunity to meet your favorite origami creators and authors, and your new and old friends, in an intimate and relaxed atmosphere. Dinner will include Roasted salmon served with peach maple horseradish drizzle and Tatziki (greek cucumber yogurt sauce), Grilled Rosemary Chicken Breast, Wild Rice, Roasted Potato, Farro and Mushroom, Grilled Shrimp Salad, Fresh Mozzarella and Cherry Tomato Salad with Fresh Basil and Olive Oil, French Green-Bean Salad, Assorted desserts, Beverages (soda, water, coffee, tea, decaf). You may purchase "drink tickets" for wine or beer at the Info Desk in the Great Hall and redeem them at the dinner. The total cost is $65 per person.
Convention Monday
Monday is a special day at Origami Convention 2014! It will be a full day of lectures, demonstrations and workshops. Previous topics have included: using origami in education or therapy, teaching origami, reading diagrams, jewelry making, wet folding, backcoating, folding miniatures, greeting cards, photographing origami, flower construction, decorating paper, diagramming, papermaking, preserving models, paper size determination, how to self-publish, developing regional groups, design and creativity.
In addition, we might have sessions on learning or improving the folding skills that will help you to move from simple to intermediate models, or from intermediate to complex. Saturday and Sunday continue to be a mix of models and techniques, but Monday will exclude classes which teach models using traditional origami paper. Individual classes may also require special materials fees.
The specific classes offered will, of course, depend on our volunteer teachers. Convention Monday will be what you make it! If you are interested in teaching or presenting, please fill out the appropriate section of the Teaching tear-off sheet. Someone will call you to discuss your class.
Please note that The Origami Source, Gold Mine, Silent Auction and Exhibition Area will not be open on Monday.

Building Names at FIT
FIT has officially changed the names of the buildings that we use. The new names are as follows:
- Building A is now Dubinsky
- Building B is now Business and Liberal Arts
- Building C is now Feldman
- Building D is now Pomerantz
- Alumni Hall is now 210