You can access all information and forms related to classes at the convention from this page.

Taking Classes

Here you will find helpful hints on what to look for when selecting your classes. You will also be able to see a preview of the classes that have been entered to date and to view the preliminary and final schedules when they are ready in the week before convention.

Teaching Classes

For those interested in teaching at the convention, this page contains the teaching registration forms as well as teaching tips and a link to the preview pages so you can see the classes that have been proposed so far.

Class Previews

Take a look at a preview of the classes that have been entered so far for the convention on Saturday and Sunday and Monday. The entries are updated in real time as teachers enter their class information before the convention.

Suggest A Class

Do you have an idea for a class you’d like someone to teach? Wondering what you might teach? Make your suggestions here and see what others have requested.

Remote Classes

OrigamiUSA members can participate in selected convention classes even if they can't attend the convention through remote classes. Online virtual technology allows you to attend a class via the internet, with the ability to ask questions of the instructor and interact with the other class attendees.


Here is everything you always wanted to know about OrigamiUSA’s ticketing process for convention classes.

Priority Ticketing

Teachers and other volunteers who meet these requirements may be eligible for priority ticketing. Please check it out.