Five square sheets of paper. I recommend using 6” (15cm) squares of duo paper.
1 Sheet of double-sided paper, black and white. (15" x 15")
1 Sheet of silver japanese foil. (6"X6")
Clips will be helpful for construction; the instructor will have some available for use by students.
2 sheets of 13 1/2 inch (35 cm) square origami paper
6" paper -- 6+ sheets
4 sheets of 3" square papers. I recommend two is kami, one is chiyogami paper and one is gold foil paper. 2 sheets of 6" square kami paper for practice. A bone folder or other folding tool is useful.
25 cm Kami ( if you are more comfortable you can use 35 cm too ) If you have it, you can use a thicker duo color paper, as it will make shaping easier. I recommend painted elephant hide, 30 cm
One sheet of 6” / 15cm paper
This model will require 6 sheets of 15 cm (6 inch) Kami. Ideally three sheets of each of two colours.
You will also need the means to make accurate cuts as we will be cutting strips from these sheets.
1 sheet of paper
A single sheet of square 10" kami, strong and thin.
Two rectangles of paper, in any aspect ratio and size. Two sheets of printer paper is fine and a square cut in half is also fine.
A bone folder is highly recommended.
Students will can use scissors if they wish while folding the model.
If I bring a PPT file on a USB memory stick, is that sufficient? Do I need to bring a laptop to play the PPT from? Cables?
Students will need a cutter (blade with a sharp edge) and one page of card stock.
Glue sticks
Bring a 32-fold triangle grid on a hexagon.
30x30+ cm Origami Paper (Kami, Biotope,etc)
Glue and Brushes *optional
30x30+ cm Foil Paper.
Teacher will supply supplies.
letter sized paper (8.5 x 11)
No supplies required.
10" or larger square of paper, ideally the same color on both sides. Tant is best, but Kami will be fine. The model can be completed with 6" Kami, but I recommend a larger sheet for learning it.
A single square of larger kami is recommended (10"/25cm). With more practice you can use smaller sheets.
If possible, bring 35+ cm paper, ideally 40-60 gsm.
Teacher will provide 35 cm kami to students without paper.
A dollar bill or paper cut to the same dimensions: 1:2.35 ratio
Thin paper is strongly recommended, and kami will not yield the best results for shaping. If you have double-tissue or similar thin crisp paper please bring a 10-12" square. If you are unable to bring your own paper I will provide 12" kraft paper.
6” kami is fine. I will provide some duo kami.
I believe I can make kami work, would prefer tant, but can also bring the type of paper I use in enough quantity.
I will provide the paper and students need to bring pencils l and markers.
6" kami
6 sheets of paper
Students should bring at least one 10 inch square kami or larger. AND one square sheet 1/3rd the size of the larger sheet and it should be the same color as the larger sheet but MUST be duo colored (the color on one side and white on the other). The smaller duo sheet could be a different color to suggest the gums of the shark's mouth.
6” duo kami (cut into a triangle)
(Flat finish works best)
Folding tool
Pen or pencil
Paper cutter
One 6- or 8-inch square kami or a slightly thicker piece of paper
6 sheets of 1.5" by 6" shaped paper. Kami or duo color paper.
ball point pen, straight edge ruler (any kind)
2 sheets of 13 1/2 inch (35 cm) origami paper
The model needs 8 square sheets of duo-color paper. Kami works very well and I recommend 7.5 cm (3 inch) paper.
I will also bring my paper cutter if case you need to cut your paper into smaller squares.
15 sheets of kami to be cut into 30 1x2 rectangles. Scissors or paper cutter required
Approximately 10 squares of regular kami.
3" kami paper x 9 and a few 6" kami paper
6" Kami
Glue stick
Pencil or pen
10 inch or larger kami
24 cm kami
I'll bring paper prepared for folding a Northern Cardinal. But people can bring blue 10 inch or 6 inch kami to make a credible Blue Jay.
Students: Optional bring bone-folder to flatten the creases of the design.
Students need not bring anything -- paper will be supplied -- but if those already familiar with the Sonobe Module want to pre-fold some to bring to class they will have more time for constructing models.
One 6- or 8-inch kami; duo is desirable because of a visible color-change
students will need 1 or 2 10" paper
Two duo sheets for each student.
6” Kami
10" kami (or similar-sized paper) is recommended for learning; the instructor will provide paper for use by the class.
Please bring a precreased 16x16 grid to practice the sheep's wool.
8 sheets of 3" square paper. Kami or duo color paper.
1-sheet of regular 15cm (6in) kami.
30 pieces of 6 inch kami
6 inch kami. A straightedge may be helpful
Students will need letter opener cutter or something similar in order to cut squares into 1 by radical 3 rectangles. I will provide 3 squares of special paper for each student
Bring a total of four crisp $1 bills (or, if you're feeling ambitious, four crisp $100 bills).
Eight square sheets of duo paper. Thin 3" (7.5cm) squares are recommended.
Bring your own scissors, paper cutters and glue sticks if you have them but some may be provided. A bone folder and ruler may be helpful but you can get by without them.
2 sheets of 6 or 10 inch kami. Black/white preferred.
No supplies required.
A single square of very large kami or foil paper is recommended (15"/38cm). With more practice you can use smaller sheets.
Three sheets of 6” Kami
1 sheet of 3" kami for the snail
1 sheet of 6" washi for the leaf
no tools required
Cutting tool to cut a rectangle from a square. Duo paper is nice. 6-12 inch paper, one sheet. 12” scrapbook paper will be provided.
6" duo of floral/foliage color. Green kami is ok as well if you want a white flower. A pair of scissors or a cutter to obtain the initial octagon.
A ball point pen or scoring tool, and any kind of straight ruler.
The paper must be one color on one side and another on the other -- standard six-inch kami will do.
One sheet of standard origami paper (duo-color) for the simple mushroom
One crisp dollar bill for the video game mushroom
Six sheets of 3" square. Kami or duo color paper.
some folding tool like a toothpick and glue ( optional )
1 piece of blue or green 9.5 x 9.5 inch kami paper
6” kami - 3 sheets green, 3 sheets flower-colored
A ball point pen or any scoring device, and any straight edge ruler.
The basic model has 5 units. 10 cm (4 inch) square duo looks best. Squares between 7.5 cm (3 inch) and 15 cm (6 inch) are recommended. 7.5 cm or smaller paper should be used only by those folder with prior experience and comfort with small paper.
We will try to fold 2 or 3 variations, so 15 squares (5 each for 3 different models) will be needed.
Bring your digital camera and camera manual (if you have one).
A creasing tool like a bone folder is helpful, but isn't required.
1 sheet of 6" square glassine paper, 1 sheet of 6" square kami paper for practice. 1 sheet of 3" green square paper for calyx. Tweezers.
Bone folder, cutting device
Square piece of cloth, in any variety of sizes (18-24 in., 28-30 in., 48-52 in.) may be used depending on items to be wrapped. A new wrapping cloth is included with the materials fee ($5), but folks may bring their own bandana or scarf to attend this workshop.
9 squares of kami (6 for one star and 3 for the second star), at least 15 cm is recommended. Duo is not needed. Multiple colors are recommended.
A cutting instrument (scissors or slicer)
one or two 6" kami paper and a cutting tool
Students should bring 1 sheet of thin, strong, black and white paper. 26 cm paper will give a model about 5.5x4 cm
several pieces of 6" kami
3 sheets of kami all same size
6” is best
25x25cm Origami Paper
1 sheet of 25 cm (10") kami, or a comparable duo paper
1-2 pieces of light brown 6 inch kami (depending on what color you want your trees to be)
1 piece of dark brown 6 inch kami
1 piece of green 6 inch kami
For the total model:
- Sixty 1x3 rectangle in one color/pattern duo paper
- Sixty 1x3 rectangles in another color/pattern duo paper
For what we will complete in class:
- A minimum of six 1x3 rectangles (i.e.: 5cm x 15cm) in one color/pattern duo paper
- A minimum of ten 1x3 rectangles (i.e.: 5cm x 15xm) in a second color/pattern duo paper
Please make sure your paper is pre-cut!
Duo paper highly recommended. Solid or patterned paper and designs are up to you!
If you would like to have some paperclips on you to help with stability please do so, there will also be glue sticks if you'd prefer.
paper cutter
2 or more pieces of 6" duo kami
Students must have thin, square paper larger than 10”.
One hexagonal sheet of paper, precreased with a 16-fold triangle grid.
12 sheets of 6" square paper. Preferred duo-color paper.
3-5 sheets of rectangular paper (preferably letter size - 8.5" by 11" or larger) paper type - general printing paper/construction paper
Red and blue pens/markers
This model is best folded from a single square of duo paper. I would recommend a 20 cm/8 inch square for the first attempt although it can be folded from 15 cm/6 inch paper. Ideally you want a paper a little stronger than Kami around 70-80 gsm would be ideal.
Please bring your OUSA survival kit for about 10 sheets of various sizes and colors of standard papers: 6x6cm and bigger best. A few with 2 color front and back helpful and some bigger and smaller are nice. :).
One sheet of square. Kami or duo color paper. Bone folders.
1 sheet 8 inch kami.
6-12 inch paper, duo is nice.