* indicates broadcast class.
high-heel shoe folded from one US $-bill
A selection of airplanes created by Nick Robinson. From his book published several years ago.
Class will make a alligator that I designed with two pieces of origami paper.
Michael designed this in 1975 while studying in Florida. His eighth floor dorm room was conducive to paper airplane designing. Launched gently at slow speed, it exhibits an impressive, long glide slope. This stackable glider can be tossed high into the air to perform a fireworks of confusing loops!
We will fold other flying models as time permits.
Sunday Class #1 Baby Chick that Sits on your Finger and Pecks when you pull on its legs (designed by Jeremy Shafer and Sean Tang in Zoom tutoring session) [Duration: 45-minutes, Skill Level: Low Intermediate, Paper: 6-inch kami]
This one piece bird and nest is easily folded from 6 inch double tissue or tissue foil, the challenge is to fold it from kami without tearing it.
This is a pretty sweet model if I say so myself. This model was designed by Shuzo Fujimoto and was published in "Fujimoto World - Twist Fold", ISBN: 978-4416312001. The majority of the work for this model is establishing the grid on the sheet of paper. Once the grid it set, we will work on establishing the proper valley and mountain creases in the sheet of paper. The final step after that is flattening the unit out, creating a cylinder out of it, and finally (the toughest part to me) setting the creases into the final shape.
This is is a variation of my Chaos Cube model, which is a Modular fold. This has unique pockets in which the tabs are inserted...from the outside. In this class, we will fold both a 6-unit and a 12 unit model.
These cubes never fail to amaze. Like Columbus' egg, the cube is made to stand on a corner. We will make two cubes to stack.
Normally, I only hear coyotes at night when I’m camping, but they are occasionally sighted in the suburbs where I live, skulking about, scavenging.
This design relies heavily on the final sequence of shaping folds, including the multivarious crimps that form the legs. This model requires either wet folding or foil papers to maintain its shape.
Class will learn how to fold an origami crayfish
This beautiful cube is made from 4 squares of paper. There are two different units -- 2 units form a band and 2 other units are the top and bottom of the cube.
A modular heart--or multi piece heart, folded from a series of 1 x 2 rectangles in diminishing sizes. Each rectangle is divided into fifths. Lots of possibilities for paper and color creativity.
This is a rotating ring made with two sheets or one sheet. "Denguri" is a traditional Japanese paper toy that can be moved around to make different shapes. The word means turn/rotate/somersault and Kasahara used the name for his model because it rotates. It can be made with two square sheets or one square. We will make a two-sheet ring in the class and I will show you one-sheet model and rings with other sized as long as time allows.
In this class, I will be doing a live demonstration of how I design a new model, based on (reasonable) attendee suggestions. I will show my thought process as well as some design techniques that I use to realize a model.
This is an interactive teaching of Jeremy Shafer's origami "Dragon". This is a high intermediate model.
This box has a lid that fits perfectly and that can be adorned with a folded Santa, tree or reindeer. We will fold one box and all three embellishments.
Squash fold, petal fold, open sink in and out, pleat fold, outside reverse fold, double rabbit ear, crimp fold,
Ornaments and decorations are icons of holiday cheer. Snowflakes are universal symbols of purity and renewal. If you've been looking to create a symmetric, beautiful, unique snowflake ornament for an upcoming festivity, then fold on.....
The fish base is one of the primary bases in Origami. Come to learn what a wide variety of animals that can be derived with just a few added folds. You will come away with a new respect for this plucky origami base!!!!
A realistic Armadillo uses my hex base and features a detailed shell, claws, head and ears. Fun fact: a group of Armadillos is called a fez.
Flowers with foliage are a less common theme, but this is a Clematis-inspired blossom with a color-changed leaf and stem. It is folded from a single sheet of A-proportioned paper which we will cut in class and a 25 cm square is recommended for a first attempt. While not too difficult, this model does require some precreasing and one collapse but all the creases for it will be present. Diagrams for the model will also be provided.
Folding this stylized Fossil will exercise your squash folding skills. Even with all the color changed patterns, there are no wrap around folds. This model has an "intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Prehistoric Origami:
A single square of larger kami is recommended (10"/25cm). With more practice you can use smaller sheets.
The class will focus on folding a mini cactus origami designed by Jax.
A curlicue is a unique origami, an endlessly fascinating kinetic sculpture. Discover the hypnotizing beauty of the ever-changing kaleidoscopic spiral patterns in this model by Assia Brill. Well, come on aboard and build it! The teacher will provide pre cut paper for the class, ready for you to fold. To learn more, you may get her book at https://www.amazon.com/Curlicue-Kinetic-Origami-Assia-Brill/dp/1494234939
These 2-piece Kitty and Puppy Boxes are based on the classic Masu Box model. The lid, however, is what is unique in this model.
Improve your folding skills by making this charming origami heart a daily exercise! You will learn about paper's grain--the direction in which most of the fibers are aligned--and how best to control the paper when folding against the grain, when most folding disasters happen. Michael designed this origami heart envelope/note as a skill-building folding exercise for his students. Once mastered, these hearts are quick and satisfying to fold. It is a terrific model to add to your gift-giving repertoire.
various letterfold - at least two
The simple form of this winged dragon is a bit abstract, but has pleasing proportions.
A hanging chimpanzee or other ape
Miri is going to teach new simple models by the completely gorgeous Paul Jackson, also known as her husband.
These simple models are utilitarian in their basic function. They create either a clip or a pocket for sheets of paper or a notebook. The clip serves as fasten sheets of paper in lieu of using a staple. The pocket acts as a corner pocket for a notebook that is suitable to carry something small (e.g., small pack of post-it notes, 1 or 2 teabags, paper clips, etc.).
Sunday Class #2 Origami iPhone (designed by Jeremy Shafer) [Duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes, Skill Level: Intermediate, Paper: 6-inch 7-inch or 10-inch kami] (If there's time left over, I'll teach my iPhone Flip Case from a sheet of printer paper).
This is one of the most elegant pegasus designs you can fold with a sheet of paper. John Montroll's pegasus design provides a really nice blend of complexity including a 'double unwrap fold', two sink folds (open and closed sinks), and a few brilliantly pleasing unlocking sequences. There is a really nice balance of petal folds and reverse folds scattered throughout this model. It's not for the faint of heart, however, and it can easily take 2 hours to fold. I think you will find the symmetry, shape and details to be stunning, all the way from the wings to the eyes, to the mane and the tail. This is a model you really don't want to miss.
We will fold a penguin chick in this class. You will also learn some 3d shaping techniques.
I'll demonstrate a general method of rearranging pleat intersections and show how to use patterns designed for weaving cloth to create new folded tessellations. We'll go over a few examples and then the students will choose a pattern to fold from a set of examples. If a projector is available, I will also show how to experiment with these designs using a computer.
This modular has two versions - the normal version is just a beauty, while the inside out version is so robust you can play volleyball with it, without any glue!
Two great models made from printer paper. Not only are these great, practical models, they are also great models to teach when your students don't have origami paper!
* spoiler alert: both can be folded from squares too!
A fun-to-fold rose complete with calyx and stem by Mark Bolitho, friend and British origami master who passed away last year.
We will learn the single molecule, and the 2 by 2 project.
Students will learn six curated twists as a primer to learning more complex geometries, as well as a notation system to structure their understanding of pleat systems in general. The twists learned will be the: 1) triangle twist, 2) triangle spread twist, 3) hex twist, 4) hex spread twist, 5) rhombic twist, and 6) the arrow twist, as well as a few minor variations.
This is a flower made from octagon tatoh. I named it because of its starburst shape but you can enjoy shaping the petals in different ways too.
If you are new to folding or new to teaching origami this class is for you. The steps in each model will be simplified and explained so everyone will succeed. Both models will be completed in one class session. Diagrams will be provided.
The model is folded from a single hexagon sheet. Precise folding and the use of heavier duo paper results in a model that is not only decorative but also functional when open.
Hard to believe, but this adorable, detailed teddy bear is a Pureland model, folded only with the building blocks of origami: mountain and valley folds.
Back before the days of streaming entertainment, televisions had selection dials and even external antennae to pick up their signal. This origami Television recalls this classic style. There are some tiny folds to make these details, giving this an "intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Origami Fun and Games:
We will use the ancient art of Japanese paper folding to introduce the properties of a square, using 8.5 inch square paper. After we examine the properties of a square, we will construct a masu box and a sail boat. (beginner level)
Designed by Richard L. Alexander
I love folding dollar bills: their intricately-engraved printing, the high quality and durability of the paper, and their availability. I was troubled by the clumsy look of most traditional Japanese Cranes folded from our dollar, and when we got a commission to fold some 7-foot cranes for a pharma convention, I began to explore multi-piece alternatives. It turned out that there was an elegant, modular solution that instantly opened up the dollar format to hundreds of designs that use the Bird Base. This model produces a Bird Base the same size as folded from a 15 cm square.
This is a modular box. The top is 3 sheets creating a tree shape with the bottom 1 sheet for the box bottom.
Triknity is a fun geometric model from only 3 papers and a few simple folds. The photos show how the model looks in various papers. In addition to the original model, I will show another way to fold the unit; while this will eliminate the color change, the front side of your paper will show more. If you make Triknity in a few sizes and nest them during assembly, the result will look very intricate. The unit, with modifications, can be used for two other models. I will show samples of these. If there is interest and time, I can give a brief explanation. Alternatively, if you are interested in these other models, you can find me in hospitality.
While I was working at Origami House in 2012, I was asked to design some models to be folded from one or more sheets of 1x2 rectangular paper for some folding kits. This tiger was one such model, folded from two identical 1x2 rectangles cut from one square. While it was not ultimately used for publication, it now serves as a relatively simple color-change tiger to celebrate the 2022 year of the tiger.
The whitetail deer is the state mammal of my home state of Georgia. They are extremely common, being found anywhere there is a patch of woods – including my back yard. In this class, we will fold the likeness of the female of the species and thus spare ourselves the task of forming antlers.
This design features a color change faithful to the pattern found on the actual animal, with white tail (of course), belly, and breast.
dimensional star from a square, includes a simple sink
Come "wet-fold" this lovely Seahorse with me and learn about paper selection, relative thickness, and compressibility--essential factors when several layers in a model accumulate, such as in an origami insect, or in the spiral tail of this Seahorse. When complete, I will challenge you to balance the Seahorse on its tail so that it can stand up on a level surface.
I named this model for Al Miyatake, a longtime friend and supporter of origami. He was with Japan Airlines and was instrumental in several, annual Origami Christmas Tree projects in NYC and Hawai’i.
A sturdy box and lid designed by Thoki Yenn. It can be made from many types and sizes of paper.
Cardinal based on a triangle grid, fully enclosed and locked body.
This is a technical talk about using a computer to fold origami. Existing programs like Oripa and Orihime compute folded states of a crease pattern by breaking up faces into congruent stacks of sub-faces and ordering them via slow exponential search. This talk will discuss a new method for computing folded states that does not sub-divide faces and can often infer an exponential number of output folded states in polynomial time. Some background in algorithms and computer science is suggested but not required.
This is a lovely modular flower and vase created by Mariko Kubo. I will teach it in memory of Susan Wettling. Susan loved Mariko Kubo's origami designs and took a class from her during a trip to Japan. I learned this model from Susan and would like to share in memory of her friendship.
This clever box has a unique locking method and opening at the top.
Monday Class #2 Origami Geometric Transforming Fidgets [Duration: 45-minutes, Skill Level: Simple, Paper: 6-inch kami]
-Swiveling Pyramid (5 models in 1) (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
-Shark Mouth Pop-It Cootie Catcher (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
-Flaming Cootie Catcher Pop it (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
-Snap-Close Pop-It Hexagonal Twist Container (designed by Jeremy Shafer) (if there's time)
Blintz fold, inside reverse fold, squash fold, crimp fold
This Guitar is formed from only simple valley and mountain folds, following the Pureland origami definition championed by the late John Smith. There are some unusual reference points, elevating this folding sequence to a "low intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Pure and Simple Origami:
Richard Alexander will provide a historical overview of hand papermaking at Origamido Studio. It started with Michael’s sessions with Elaine and Donna Koretsky at Carriage House Paper (first at the Brickbottom maker space in Somerville, MA) and then in Brookline, MA. Techniques changed as we began working with other artists who came with special requirements for their papers. He will discuss the experiences of working with Satoshi Kamiya, Robert Lang, Alex Soukas, and Tim Povall.
This is a self-folding model! Once the pre-creases are made, it naturally makes this shape. We will fold this model twice from kami paper and show you how put them back to back to create beautiful color combinations.
Humanoid Origami is one of the hardest forms to shape well. Most of the time, they end up looking stiff and static. This class will show the method I have been using to practice tons of various poses and will discuss what techniques can be done to make a pose more dynamic. Folding will create the base structure, but the posing will rely heavily on wet-folding; a technique used commonly for all complex-super complex humanoid origami designs.
At the OrigamiUSA UnCon 2020, Miyuki Kawamura taught a clever and versatile model that she designed called "Little Circus." I am teaching the Little Circus Cube made with 6 modules, but once you have learned the module and make the cube, you can entertain yourself with endless paper combinations and different polyhedra using different numbers of modules. The tab and pocket construction on this model is unusual and interesting. The module and construction require patience, but not a great deal of experience.
Have you ever wanted to fold something that won't just sit on your shelf? In this class, we'll go over the basics of making modular origami lamps and then we'll make our own! You will have the option of making a 30 unit or a 90 unit lamp (the 90 unit option likely won't be completed in the course of the class but I'll provide instruction on how to put it together).
Mette’s delightful and versatile model is easy to fold, not too awful to assemble, and can be an ornament, jewelry or picture frame, depending on the size and pattern of the paper used. Note that this is a modular that uses 18 pieces.
Learn Tomoko Fuse’s Rose unit which can be used to make several different types of polyhedra. The models in the photo are Stellated Dodecahedrons (30 units) but other polyhedra will also be shown that can be made with fewer units.
a cute mouse you will want to fold over and over
An origami violinist wearing a dress folded from a sheet of printer paper (8.5" by 11"). This class is for musicians and origamists alike, as well as anyone else who is interested!
Rabbit ear, squash fold, petal fold, inside reverse fold, unwrap, crimp fold, sink, swivel fold,
The Museo del Origami is a small-format museum located in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. It opened in January 2020 and except for the months that it was closed due to the pandemic, the museum remained open and has already received more than 12,000 visitors from all over the world. I have the privilege of being at the front desk six days a week attending visitors to the museum and customers to the attached gift shop, and the experience has been rich and entertaining. In this lecture, I am going to tell you about the type of visitors that usually come to the museum, the questions they pose (some really funny or amazing) and the strategy that I use to make sure that every one will leave the museum knowing at least the most basic concepts about paperfolding… a task that is not as easy as it seems to be, especially when people visit museums “through the lens of a cellphone”.
We will be making an origami Sea Serpent that is at an intermediate level. This design leaves the folder with plenty of room to be able to shape the model to make it unique to him/her. Diagrams will be provided along with an instructor to demonstrate as well.
Better to be prepared, they say...
Folded from black paper, the ring can pass for a real weapon, fancy papers good for more mundane purposes.
Created for a challenge at 2019 CDO convention.
Diagram will be provided.
Monday Class #1 Origami Ten-Second Animals [Duration: 45-minutes, Skill Level: Simple, Paper: 6-inch kami]
We'll fold as many as we have time for. Although versions of these models can probably be folded in 10 seconds with a lot of practice, it will take a lot more than 10 seconds to teach each one!
-Ten-Second Horse (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
-Ten-Second Elephant (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
-Ten-Second Fish (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
-Ten-Second Giraffe (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
-Ten-Second Squirrel (designed by Jeremy Shafer) (if there's time)
In this lecture, I'll be going in-depth on how a single small idea can evolve and branch into numerous larger projects and the importance of playing with paper.
Students will learn different ways of understanding pleat intersections in an interactive way. They will explore what allows a twist to come together, how it lays flat, what conditions allow "perfect" twists and why some pleat intersections don't work as well
Throughout this Whale’s folding sequence, the model is surprisingly flat. It is only in the final step where you can expand the folds into its cartoonish full-bodied form. This model has a "high intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Origami by the Sea:
I am an artist and taught art for 38 years in the public schools. I still do an occasional workshop for the Bruce museum. Neon water colors I discovered by accident, since I already knew about neon colored pencils. Super granulation water colors and water color powder I have only learned about in the past few months. They are just ways of playing with the paint, experimenting and letting go of some control. —unpredictable and free and fun.
Class attendees will learn about and have a chance to try paper decorating techniques using Water Color Powder, Neon Water Color, and Super Granulation Water Colors.
If you share the love of Origami and riddles, this is the perfect workshop for you! All you need to try your hands with those puzzles is a sheet of paper, no more!
This class will show two different techniques for creating animated origami faces. One model is "Singer," which opens and closes its mouth; the other is "Elephant," which curls and uncurls its trunk.
A color change design depicting the head of Baphomet
Inside reverse fold, squash fold, stretch fold, sink in and out, swivel fold, rabbit ear, crimp fold,
This is not origami -- not as most of us use the word. Modular kirigami, maybe. But then, many languages do not make a distinction between "to fold" and "to bend." In this model, we bend paper into cylinders and cones and weave them together into a globe. No, an actual globe, with countries and oceans and whatnot.
Borromean refers to the Brunnian property of this model -- constructed from nine linked loops, not one of the loops actually passes through any other. If you are familiar with the three-circle symbol for the Trinity -- or with Ballantine beer -- you know the Borromean rings. We're going to cube that. In a spherical way.
This model will involve cutting with scissors. It will involve glue. It will involve scoffing at purists.
Michael will this model to teach essential folding skills that you can use to produce better-looking examples of his origami butterflies, and he will lead you to explore creative variations, too! The diagrams for this model are included in this year's "Origami Collection 2022." You are welcome to preview and practice this model in advance.
This lovely Tomomo Fuse card folds flat, but it has an opening mechanism that pops open to reveals its contents ( not included in the model).
I spend many vacations on the Gulf Coast. A familiar roadside scene on the way are cows standing amongst this small, white wading bird. The egrets feed on insects near or on the cattle. This is an example of symbiosis.
Appropriately, then, I designed this figure as a companion piece to my cow. It has fully articulated wings and neck, allowing the final piece to be shaped in various poses. For example, there’s enough paper in the neck to extend the head skywards or in the classic “hunched” pose of a cattle egret. The legs come from the corners of the paper, which helps keep them thin.
Fun 3D model that is fully closed and locks. If there is time we will fold a stand as well.
This model is a wonderful multi-functional piece with a crane decoration that can be used as a cutlery or chopstick holder, a centerpiece, a holder for a table number or guest name, or a chopstick rest. The class will teach the model and some variations by me.
A low intermediate 2 color model with a crane in front of a sunrise.
The Cube tessellation was here many years ago, and its simplicity makes it a great starting point to enjoy tessellations. In the workshop, we will learn how to take this simple starting point and create advanced variations.
The Dahlia is a one-piece model using the Fujimoto Hydrangea base. The Dahlia is one of my favorite origami models because it can be used as a flower, brooch, ornament, earring, greeting card artwork, or whatever strikes your fancy.
Rabbit ear, easy open sink, preliminary fold, outside reverse fold, inside reverse fold
Created with the circle packing technique, the dragonfly is distinguished by its long wings and thin abdomen. This class is for the ones comfortable with open sinks and multilayer folds for shaping.
This beautiful star was created in 2021 for Ellen Aaronson a long time OrigamiUSA member
This model was designed by French artist, Éric Joisel. It is a high intermediate to complex model and requires a solid foundation. There are intricate folding sequences and details.
In this class, I will show you how to fold this really pretty modular ring.
The units are not very hard as they are similar to a bird base (so it does involve basic reverse folds). The assembly may be a bit challenging for beginners, but I believe everyone will be able to figure it out.
Depending on how fast you are at folding, you may not finish by the end of class, but I am more than happy to stay until everyone is finished. :)
The author wants to share with attendants the effort to combine the beauty of flower with 3-D design idea by Jun Mitani (Egg wrapping). For the purpose of scoring, attendants will use the liquid gel-ink needle tip pen provided to trace the straight lines using a ruler and the curved portions by "Free Hand". Two flower models will be created within the assigned time limit.
Website with additional information, materials, and references for the class: http://www.takayaiwamoto.com/origami_note/newyork/2022_class.html
This is the modification of Jun Mitani's "Whipped Cream" to expose the core features of flower on a larger top area. For scoring purpose, attendants will use the liquid gel-ink needle tip pen provided to trace straight lines by ruler and the curved portion by "FREE HAND". One flower model will be created within the assigned time limit.
Website with additional information, materials, and references for the class: http://www.takayaiwamoto.com/origami_note/newyork/2022_class.html
This is the modification of Jun Mitani's "Stellar Medallion".
It is simplified so that the persons with no prior experience of origami tesselation can make a beautiful radial flower object within the assigned time period. For scoring the diagram, attendants will trace all the short straight
lines using the liquid gel-ink needle tip pen provided . Attendants can finish at least one model during the session.
A paper of another model of added complexity will be provided for further personal challenge.
Website with additional information, materials, and references for the class: http://www.takayaiwamoto.com/origami_note/newyork/2022_class.html
Learn a "Vase Base" which you can use your creative folding skills to create an almost endless amount of variations to come up with your own vase design...all based on Frederich Froebal's basic designs forms.
Learn about one of Origami's most fundamental pioneers of Origami in Education.
We'll fold several variations of a simple geometric pattern that can be shaped as a flower or a bowl.
This is a flat model of a face with horns. It has a mouth that can change from a grimace to a smile. You should be comfortable with squash folds, as there are a lot of them. There's also a few crimps.
This monster’s resemblance to Japan’s Domo is purely intentional. There are some tiny folds to make its distinctive teeth, so you will need a large square. That and some reliance on a few closed sinks elevate this folding sequence to a "complex" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Spooky Origami:
decorative origami
Add some avian grace to your repertoire of origami containers with this beautiful Swan Bowl. Regular origami “kami” paper is great for learning this model but using slightly thicker paper lets you wet fold it more elegantly. It’s a bowl that will fill you with peace, love and happiness.
We will fold two boxes that have a locking mechanism so that when put together they cannot be removed from each other without destroying the boxes.
Saturday Class #2 Milo the Magnificent (wonder dog that does tricks) (designed by Jeremy Shafer and Andy Cao during a Zoom tutoring session) [Duration: 45-minutes, Skill Level: Low Intermediate, Paper: 6-inch kami] .
(Notes for me: Milo tricks: Stands in 5 positions, pop-up card, head turns 360-degrees, holds ball in mouth, dances and wags tail when you rub its sides, does a lion impression (unfold one ear flap and other ear flap becomes lion's snout))
In this class we will fold one of Neal Elias’ delightful multi-subject models, featuring a mother bird, three chicks, and a nest - all from a single square of paper with no cuts. This work, which is about fifty years old, is an example of a box-pleated design and features several Elias Stretches – a maneuver which will be demonstrated and taught in this class. Elias left us a partial folding sequence, a few notes, and a sketch of the intended result. There is some room for personal interpretation, a color change, and some “wow” moments.
These are two wonderful flowers - the traditional lily, and Makoto Yamaguchi’s amazing dogwood. Both are not simple, but extremely rewarding to fold and display.
This is a fun recursive model which is folded from a large octagon. In this class you will learn how to make the model and hear about how it was designed along the way. The final structure has a nice depth due to the buildup of layers which naturally makes it 3D.
Miri has developed origametria, a method for teaching math using origami. It has been widely accepted, and in this workshop, Miri will discuss why this method is innovative and successful.
An introduction to origami that will include basic folds, common bases, and understanding diagrams. Models taught will include a traditional box, swan, sailboat, star basket and waterbomb. After the two hour class participants will have a good understanding of the "basics" and ready to attend other beginner classes offered at the convention.
Saturday Class #1 Origami Oscillation Fidget Spinners [Duration: 45-minutes, Skill Level: Simple, Paper: 6-inch kami]
- Target Oscillation Fidget Spinner (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
- Cootie Catcher Fish Oscillation Fidget Spinner (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
- Pirate Ship Oscillation Fidget Spinner (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
- Simplest Oscillation Fidget Spinner (designed by Jeremy Shafer)
Students will create a penguin from my Origami Kit Fishes and Birds
There is a lot of folding and unfolding but because of the symmetries, the steps come in groups. The final model emerges magically after reinforcing certain crease lines.
Grass, Fire, Water.
This is a moderately complex design that requires precise folding but will reward you with several fun maneuvers, such as spread-squashes, and fairly tricky "unwrap" used to generate the color-changed mane. It incorporates influences from several artists, hinted at by the name.
Seahorse with spiral pattern for head and tail
The class will teach at least two simple models. The first is a Heart with a nice shape by Ildiko Vass. The second is a Greeting Card shaped like a package with a color changed ribbon and bow by Shoko Aoyagi.
This beautiful origami modular cube is created with 24 Sonobe modules.
An elegant and classic looking cat in a seated pose. Very nice indeed.
Attractive geometric pattern on the lid and the base of this box. Many variations possible depending on the number of colors you use
Students will hear a origami story where every fold leads to the conclusion of folding a four pointed origami star box and star.
In this class you will be taught how to fold a complex level recursion with a very satisfying sequence. The final result will be an intricate star resembling a tile mosaic (like in the NYC subway walls) folded from one large hexagon of paper.
If you've not tried using storytelling as a means to demonstrate or teach origami, this class is for you. I'll share my decades of experience . You'll have a chance to participate in creating stories too.
This color-changed design can be folded from a bird base. Because this species is sexually dimorphic, both the male and female variants will be taught.
Miri’s classes on origami have been widely acclaimed, and her methods are especially successful in using origami to stimulate creativity in students age 4 to 6. This will be a workshop/lecture.
Despite its distinctively large beak, this Toucan balances amazingly well as the legs are formed from the middle of the paper. You should be comfortable with squash folds and other intermediate-level folds. Diagrams for this model appear in Advanced Origami Animals:
This origami cicada at first glance looks like the traditional one, but it has legs!
Please join Taro's Origami instructors Frank Ling and Jeff Raab as they teach a few models from their new self published book: Elementary Origami. Participants will learn about Taro's Origami Studio as they learn to fold a Garden Gnome, Butterfly, and Dragon.
This modular star is folded from eight square sheets of duo paper.
Fans of Games of Thrones might recognize this famous mythological creature. All of the important body parts are derived from the classic Bird Base, giving this an "intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Origami Dragons Kit:
This is a older classic model created in the early 1990's.