
  • Turtle
    Teacher(s): Jorge Pezzat
    Creator(s): John Montroll
    Level: Intermediate

    This is John Montroll's version of the turtle. It involves about forty folds. The is one of Montroll's fun models that can be folded by those who can make a flapping wing crane and the traditional Japanese frog.

  • An Origami-Inspired Mascot
    Teacher(s): Haozheng Pei
    Level: Intermediate

    In this session, a presentation will be given on a paper titled "An Origami-Inspired Mascot Design for China's National Stadium," which was published in the collection of the 8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (8OSME). Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to learn how to fold the mascot model known as Yay Yay Chirp, a simple 22.5-degree design.

  • Ant
    Teacher(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Creator(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Level: Intermediate

    This Ant has plenty of squash folds and swivel folds to give this an "intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Insectes en Origami:

    A single square of larger kami is recommended (10"/25cm). With more practice you can use smaller sheets.

  • Balloon Folding
    Teacher(s): Lisa Corfman
    Level: Not Rated

    Fold balloons into many creations! With latex balloons, make hats, flowers, dogs or anything you can imagine. By inflating balloon with our pumps, make models twisting your own model. Learn about origami connections: the model term, using circle packing, and the act of folding, and being a creator. Use your imagination and you can create a complex model!

    - Be aware, balloons can make a loud noise if they pop.
    - Do NOT take this class if you are allergic to latex.
    - Sometimes it is hard to fold ballons if you have small bodies.

  • Base-ics
    Teacher(s): Ruthanne Bessman
    Creator(s): Traditional
    Level: Simple

    An introduction to origami that will include basic folds, common bases, and understanding diagrams. Models taught will include the traditional box, swan, sailboat, start basket and water bomb. After the two hour class participants will have a good understanding of the "basics" and ready to attend other beginner classes offered at the convention.

  • Big City Dreams
    Teacher(s): Jeff Raab
    Creator(s): Jeff Raab, Frank Ling
    Level: Intermediate

    Jeff Raab and Frank Ling, two of the senior artists at Taro's Origami Studios, will share three new designs - an Empire State Building, a Flying Pig, and a two-tone Cat. Models include reverse folds, crimp folds, petal folds, and swivel folds. All three can be folded from 6" paper. If there's time left over, Jeff and Frank can field questions about designing, working as professional origami artists/teachers, or teach an additional model or two.

  • Box-pleat chair
    Teacher(s): Dexter Namkung
    Creator(s): Dex Namkung
    Level: Complex

    This class will teach you how to fold a chair from box pleating. The chair is folded from a 20 grid and is great for learning how to fold from a box pleat crease pattern but you should be comfortable with the box-pleat technique

  • Celestial
    Teacher(s): Brian Beitel
    Creator(s): Brian Beitel
    Level: Low Intermediate

    In this class, we will be learning how to fold this origami modular ring that I designed last August.

    All folders are welcome to join the class and I will stay until everyone has finished the model. :)

  • Checkered Trominos
    Teacher(s): Sy Chen
    Creator(s): Sy Chen
    Level: Simple

    A tromino is a polygon in the plane made of three squares connected edge-to-edge. Each of the double sided checkered "I" and "V" shapes is folded from a single duo-color square sheet of paper. The checkered pattern looks the same on both sides of the model. Everyone, including non-folders, can use multiple completed pieces to take on several tiling challenges provided by the teacher in the class.

  • Connecting Card Pockets (ATCs)
    Teacher(s): Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez
    Creator(s): Gacharná Ramírez, Gerardo
    Level: Intermediate

    Here you will learn how to fold a modular/practical model of my own design: "Connecting Card Pockets". Since it's an origami quilt, you can choose where to connect each unit and how many to connect. And, thanks to their corner pockets, you can attach a 3.5'' x 2.5'' card on each of its sides. It's perfect for displaying trading cards, including ATCs! Attach 10 cards to a strip of 5 x 1 units, 18 to a 3 x 3 matrix, 56 to a 4 x 7 matrix, and so on. What's better than using origami to organize and showcase your collection?

  • Dinosaur
    Teacher(s): Jason Schneider
    Creator(s): Jason Schneider
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Everyone needs to have a dinosaur in their repertoire. Here's a brand new one I designed in June. A low intermediate design that easily stands on its own and looks great with any paper. I will provide diagrams after class for folks to photograph.

  • Electra
    Teacher(s): Philip Jones
    Creator(s): David Mitchell
    Level: Intermediate

    We will fold 30 four inch squares into a beautiful model.

  • First Origami Models
    Teacher(s): Jeanine Meyer
    Creator(s): Traditional
    Level: Simple

    We will do the Magazine Cover Box and lid (2 pieces of 8.5 x 11) and the Business Card Frog (first from 3 x 5 index card and then from a business card). I will describe what I do in my class, The Art and Math of Origami, which satisfies the State University of New York mathematics general education requirement. Suitable for beginners, teachers and anyone that ever needs to entertain and/or distract someone.

  • Folding a Sailboat
    Teacher(s): Haozheng Pei
    Creator(s): Haozheng Pei
    Level: Intermediate

    In this class, we'll learn to fold a Sailboat designed by Haozheng Pei, using a simple but asymmetrical layout.

  • Half cubed Hypar
    Teacher(s): Francesco Mancini
    Creator(s): Francesco Mancini
    Level: Intermediate

    If you love geometric designs this is perfect for you: a hyperbolic paraboloid enclosed in a fully closed half cube. This is a single-sheet design but, since I'm a modular guy, I found a way to to use it as a unit and make a strange polyhedron that I will show if there is time.

  • Hana Tanzaku
    Teacher(s): Deanna Kwan
    Creator(s): Ms. Sayoko Kuwabara
    Level: Low Intermediate

    The model name translates to “Flower Shape Strip of Paper.” This modular from 8 squares is beautiful and has a pleasing puffy shape.

  • Happy Rabbit and Carrot
    Teacher(s): Leyla Torres
    Creator(s): Leyla Torres
    Level: Intermediate

    The Happy Rabbit is a fun two-color model that can be used as a carrot holder (also as a napkin or Easter egg holder).
    The carrot can be inserted into the rabbit.

  • Hearty Cube
    Teacher(s): Faye Goldman
    Creator(s): Meenakashi Mukerjji
    Level: Intermediate

    6 identical modules fit together to make a pretty cube with hearts on each face.

  • Highland Coo
    Teacher(s): Linda MacFarlane
    Creator(s): Linda Macfarlane
    Level: Intermediate

    This cute “coo” model requires 3 sheets of paper, 2 for the body and 1 for the head. The head paper is cut on the diagonal. For your first time folding, select papers that are easy to see fold lines and landmarks.

  • Imprisioned Polyhedron Module
    Teacher(s): Robert Miller
    Creator(s): Robert Miller
    Level: Low Intermediate

    The Imprisoned Polyhedron Module is a simple module that can be combined in 2,3,6 or more units to create a 3d shape which appears to be polyhedron imprisoned by rails. The models are interesting and complex in appearance, yet fairly simple to make.

  • Jackstone
    Teacher(s): Scott Gold
    Creator(s): Jack Skillman
    Level: Complex

    This landmark model is known as an Icon in the history of Origami creations

  • Jungle creatures
    Teacher(s): Joel Stern
    Creator(s): Joel Stern
    Level: Low Intermediate

    A Giraffe and Hippo will be taught, using a technique I developed for making 4-legged creatures using two sheets per model.

  • Kissy Fish
    Teacher(s): Jeanine Meyer
    Creator(s): Junior Fritz Jacquet
    Level: Intermediate

    Kissy Fish, sometimes called the Talking Fish, was designed by Junior Fritz Jacquet from the Piranha by Jun Maekawa. Action model. Folding includes division into thirds, and an easy sink.

  • Leaf Star
    Teacher(s): Jonathan Tucker
    Creator(s): Jon Tucker
    Level: Supercomplex

    This recursive star design can be folded with as many layers as you want, but for time constraints during the class we won't fold as many as are pictured here. This star is 5-pointed, but can also be folded with more than 5 sides using the same structure.

  • Los Caballos
    Teacher(s): Maria Velazquez
    Creator(s): Rocking horse - Jose Tomas Buitrago; Pureland Horse Marc Kirschenbaum, Horse Head - Leyla Torres
    Level: Intermediate

    The “Pureland Horse” created by Marc Kirschebaum is a simple model using only basic folds. It is a lovely model that can be used for cards

    The “Caballo Mercedor” (Rocking Horse) is an elegant two-tone horse created by Jose Thomas Buitrago. As suggested by Leyla Torres this model would make a lovely mobile for decoration.

    The “Horse Head” by Leyla Torres requires only 6 folds and makes a nice bookmark or cupcake topper.

    All models can be used for cards especially for the Year of the Horse 2026. It would be useful to have a bone folder, knowledge of how to create a preliminary base, sink, and inside reverse fold. Accuracy is desirable.

  • Love Fortune Teller
    Teacher(s): Sy Chen
    Creator(s): Sy Chen
    Level: Intermediate

    This design is my adaption on the traditional fortune teller model. All corners of the model turn to hearts. It can be played like the traditional game as well.

  • Magic Coin Star
    Teacher(s): Sy Chen
    Creator(s): Sy Chen
    Level: Low Intermediate

    This four unit modular model can be transformed between an ancient Chinese coin and a star/windmill back and forth by sliding. I will show some variations if time permits.

  • Mizuhiki Knots 1
    Teacher(s): Brian Kolins
    Level: Not Rated

    Folding using Japanese decorative paper cords, simple designs everyone can learn. Books of designs are available for the students to look through and use, along with cords to make knots. Each class will start with the basic knots, but students are free to work on whatever they'd like from the books or their own imaginations.

  • Mondrian Cube
    Teacher(s): Francesco Mancini
    Creator(s): Francesco Mancini
    Level: Low Intermediate

    This is my most recent design. The idea for this modular comes from a model called "The bookmark of the binomial" I designed as a teaching tool. So, as well as being used as a decorative object, it can also be used in math or art classes. I'll teach the bookmark too.

  • My favorite Gomibako x 3
    Teacher(s): Pamela Miike
    Creator(s): Traditional
    Level: Simple

    What can you do with junk mail?
    Three simple boxes to fold and keep on hand to hold anything from paper scraps, peanut shells, snacks, etc

  • My Favourite Polyhedron
    Teacher(s): Tung Ken Lam
    Level: Not Rated

    A presentation about some aspects of geometry and origami in my life. It includes references to: polyhedra, Jun Maekawa, WXYZ, Geogebra, a 1980s computer game, MC Escher, 1950s plaited polyhedra, geometric construction toys, Francis Ow, Kunihiko Kasahara, Dave Brill, R Buckminster Fuller, an obsession with the vector equilibrium, creating origami, personal notes and sketches, Jitterbug action modular origami, how to name a model, Dave Petty and modular origami planar mania.

  • Nora (Star) and Variations
    Teacher(s): Jean Rishel
    Creator(s): Carmen Sprung
    Level: Intermediate

    We will be folding a lovely little 8-piece star by Carmen Sprung, and learning a few variations that are made possible with just a small change in the folding process.

  • Origami and a square
    Teacher(s): Helen Rodney
    Creator(s): Magic Star by Robert Neale, Cube by Marc Kirschenbaum, Peace Dove by Alice Gray
    Level: Low Intermediate

    We will use the ancient art of Japanese paper folding (origami) to discover and prove the properties of a square by using origami paper (which is always a square), 8.5 inch squares made from “astrobrights” letter size paper, pencils and markers. We will make three models, the properties of a square will be printed on one of the finished origami models.

  • Origami Dragon Bookmark
    Teacher(s): Samanyu Bhansali
    Creator(s): Jo Nakashima
    Level: High Intermediate

    The dragon bookmark is an origami that is used as a bookmark and is used to display as a dragon sitting on top of your book. It is an origami you can use whenever you read a book.

  • Origami Quilt with Nobu Unit
    Teacher(s): Nobuko Okabe
    Creator(s): Nobuko Okabe
    Level: Intermediate

    Not really sure if I should call this "Quilt" but we will make a few flat squares with my Super Nobu Unit and will join them together to make a larger pattern. Folding unit and assembly are both simple but you need to be aware of the orientation of units in assembly. Other types of assembly is also shown in the class.

  • Penguin
    Teacher(s): Steve Tucker
    Creator(s): Steve Tucker
    Level: Intermediate

    This model was designed during October 2023 and refined during the Pacific Coast Origami Convention in San Francisco. As a fairly new origami designer, the success of this model confirmed I was on the right track. I hope you enjoy!

    We will break the folding session up into (2) parts; the first part will involve me teaching you how to fold the penguin's feet while the latter will be the entire model. I think this format will be successful as this section of the penguin has a pretty difficult collapse. While refining this model, this section required the most attention to get the model to stand and balance out the standing posture. Ultimately, a practice fold of this section can help produce a clean final model.

  • Penta star
    Teacher(s): Kathy Stevick
    Creator(s): Maria Sinayskaya
    Level: Simple

    Although I have rated this star as simple, Precise folding is necessary to have a pleasing model.

  • Phoenix
    Teacher(s): Paul Frasco
    Creator(s): Paul Frasco
    Level: High Intermediate

    Phoenix with color change. High Intermediate model that will require reverse folds and sinks. All steps are well referenced, but may require some nimble fingers or a largish sheet of paper

  • Principles of Kusudama Design
    Teacher(s): Raymond Feng
    Level: Intermediate

    Kusudama is a form of modular origami where 6, 12, or 30 identical origami modules are folded and assembled to form a geometrical object. In the Principles of Kusudama Design, students will learn the theory behind designing kusudamas. They will be given the opportunity to fold their own models.

  • Rhododendron
    Teacher(s): Stephen Buck
    Creator(s): Kyoko Enomoto
    Level: Intermediate

    This is a five-piece modular model of a rhododendron blossom.

  • Ryukaku - Dragon Crane
    Teacher(s): Andrew Hans
    Creator(s): Yamaki
    Level: High Intermediate

    An origami crane from one sheet of paper with an unusually designed wing structure.

  • Saber-Toothed Tiger
    Teacher(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Creator(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Level: Intermediate

    This Saber-Toothed Tiger utilizes some asymmetrical squash folds and swivel folds, giving this an “intermediate” level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Prehistoric Origami:

    A single square of larger kami is recommended (10"/25cm). With more practice you can use smaller sheets.

  • Shirt Box
    Teacher(s): Mae Dean Erb
    Creator(s): Tanja Pevner
    Level: Low Intermediate

    This model is a delightful, useful fun fold. There are many variations and a joy to share, also requires only one sheet.

  • Show & Tell: Folding Tools
    Teacher(s): Belle Fernandez
    Level: Not Rated

    This will be a group discussion about special tools that we use to make folding more precise and produce a more attractive model. Attendees are urged to bring their best folding tools to “show & tell” the group.

  • Sonobe Module Workshop
    Teacher(s): Nathan Ascher
    Creator(s): Mitsunobu Sonobe
    Level: Low Intermediate

    An exploration of many of the possibilities of Mitsunobu Sonobe's famous module. No experience necessary, but those already familiar with Sonobe Modules can find something new. Literally dozens of models are presented, and the workshop format allows each student to learn the one(s) they like. Good for those looking for an introduction to modular origami as well as those who want more of a challenge. Models made from 1 to 60 modules will be shown. Construction ranges from low intermediate up to challenging. The basic module and some variations will be shown. Students will make one model with six units, another model with 12 units, and a final model with 24 units.

  • Star Bowl 2024
    Teacher(s): Omer Shalev
    Creator(s): Omer Shalev
    Level: Complex

    Star Bowl 2024 is now completely revamped and updated (to a 1.0 standpoint). Mainly some precreasing and a collapse. Generally straight forward and not too difficult. It is straight forward, but precreasing comfortability and accuracy will help. I will try to incorporate some step if possible; as this is a recent design. There are at least 3 variations shown in the photos below. Finally, there is an optional closed sink in the end as well.

  • Stern Veronika
    Teacher(s): Steven Rollin
    Creator(s): Carmen Sprung
    Level: High Intermediate

    I will be teaching Carmen Sprung's Stern Veronika. It is an eight-piece modular model.

  • Sword and Shield
    Teacher(s): Boice Wong
    Creator(s): Boice Wong
    Level: Supercomplex

    An extremely intense class for one of my most efficient designs. This Swordsman was birthed from one of my first designs and features a plethora of details such as a full set of fingers and layered armor. This will be the hardest class I have ever taught at a convention before.

  • The Dog
    Teacher(s): Neel Dalela
    Creator(s): Neel Dalela
    Level: Complex

    This class will teach you how to make a realistic dog! It is a complex model that allows for a lot of experimentation and creative shaping.

  • The Space Cat
    Teacher(s): John Szinger
    Creator(s): John Szinger
    Level: High Intermediate

    An attractive stylized cat in a midcentury modern aesthetic. Makes a great gift!

  • Three Kings Star
    Teacher(s): Philip Chapman-Bell
    Creator(s): Philip Chapman-Bell
    Level: High Intermediate

    This is a model which uses compound creases, that is, creases which have both straight and curved components. A large part of the model is learning to fold curved creases from landmarks without tools, using tangents and the paper's unwillingness to curve in more than one direction at a time.

    Simple to Complex is not a good yardstick for this model. Nothing terribly complex about it, but the concepts may seem strange to some and the technique difficult to master. This model is from a hexagon. folded into lateral fifths.

  • Tiger
    Teacher(s): Jeff Raab
    Creator(s): Jeff Raab
    Level: Intermediate

    A relatively easy tiger with stripes for intermediate to high intermediate folders. The stripes are accomplished with reverse folds, swivels, and fine squashes. Most of the steps have references.

  • Toad
    Teacher(s): William Hartman
    Creator(s): William Hartman
    Level: High Intermediate

    A toad with a tessellation pattern on its back for detail. Students should be comfortable with basic precreasing, swivel folds, and squash folds. Some familiarity with folding tessellations might be helpful, but it shouldn't be necessary. There is no need to fold a grid ahead of time.

    Diagrams will be provided.

  • Toy Car
    Teacher(s): Jean Baden-Gillette
    Creator(s): Herman Van Goubergen
    Level: High Intermediate

    This action model was a fan favorite in the mid-nineties. It uses one sheet of square paper a heavier weight than Kami. Paper will be provided.

  • Wensdy: Reflect, Fold, Live On
    Teacher(s): Lisa Corfman
    Level: Low Intermediate

    To honor the life of Wensdy Whitehead (1971-2023) hear her quick background, learn a few of her techniques, and fold her models from diagrams together.

    Would you like access to folding Wensdy’s diagrams and more? Learn! Would you like to diagram sometime by her or write a book? She smiled at the idea of an origami legacy. “Share, share, share with credits as a must” was her final request. Ask!


  • 3D Jigsaw Puzzle
    Teacher(s): Kenneth Baclawski
    Creator(s): Kenny Baclawski
    Level: Complex

    Learn how to fold a base from which you can create any jigsaw puzzle piece! Each student will fold at least one piece, and we will fit them together into one puzzle at the end.

  • 6 Unit Star-Ring-Flower
    Teacher(s): Sy Chen
    Creator(s): Sy Chen
    Level: Intermediate

    This six unit modular model can be transformed among a star, a ring, and a flower by sliding. I will show some variations if time permits.

  • A Most-Efficient Giant Squid
    Teacher(s): Haozheng Pei
    Creator(s): Haozheng Pei
    Level: Complex

    In this course, we will be taught how to fold a Giant Squid designed by Haozheng Pei. The design is a pure 22.5-degree with the most efficient structure.

  • A star for the penguins
    Teacher(s): Christiane Bettens
    Creator(s): Christiane Bettens
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Join us on a cruise to Antarctic, meet the penguins and learn to fold a 8-pointed modular star.

  • Alligator
    Teacher(s): Julie Juniper
    Creator(s): Julie Juniper
    Level: Intermediate

    This charming alligator is folded from a grafted fish base. While folding, we'll explore the design principles behind this model, including bases and the technique of grafting.

  • Archana Flower
    Teacher(s): Catherine Proctor
    Creator(s): Dasa Severova
    Level: Low Intermediate

    This delightful flower does require a sink fold.

  • Bejeweled Jewel
    Teacher(s): Michael Naughton
    Creator(s): Michael Naughton, based on Toshie Takahama's "Jewel"
    Level: Intermediate

    Based on Toshie Takahama's "Jewel", this model incorporates a smaller jewel to make it fancier. The smaller jewel can be made from paper that is 1/4 the size (area) of the larger jewel that holds it. Different ways of making the smaller jewel, from either one or three squares, will be shown as time permits. Familiarity with Sonobe modules generally, and/or Takahama's "Jewel" specifically, will be helpful but is not required.

  • Bird of Paradise Flower
    Teacher(s): Mary Drews
    Creator(s): Meenakshi Mukerji
    Level: Intermediate

    I'm going to teach a vase of Bird of Paradise flowers from Origami All Kinds: Single Sheet and Modular Designs by Meenakshi Mukerji.

  • Blue Jay
    Teacher(s): William Hartman
    Creator(s): William Hartman
    Level: Complex

    A fairly complex bird design with color changes. Students should be comfortable folding models that require accurate precreasing, sinks, crimps, and some collapses.

    Diagrams will be provided.

  • Box Turtle
    Teacher(s): Jason Schneider
    Creator(s): Jason Schneider
    Level: Intermediate

    I will teach a turtle I designed this past March. I will try not to make any "slow" or "getting out of your shell" jokes but no guarantees. I will have diagrams on site for attendees to take photos home.

  • Brocade
    Teacher(s): Jimmy Yu
    Creator(s): Minako Ishibashi
    Level: Intermediate

    We will fold an origami Japanese brocade. This is a modular design, and requires 6 sheets of paper. 6" x 6" kami works well. Students should have comfort and experience folding and assembling modulars. I will also introduce folding brocades with more than 6 units, so feel free to bring 12 sheets of paper.

  • Chinese Vase (Verdi Vase)
    Teacher(s): Susan Dugan
    Creator(s): traditonal
    Level: Intermediate

    I think this is a magic Vase. The magic is at the end when it becomes 3D.

  • Cicada
    Teacher(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Creator(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Celebrate the cicada’s exit from hibernation by folding this origami rendition. It is formed from only simple valley and mountain folds, following the Pureland origami definition championed by the late John Smith. There are some unusual reference points, elevating this folding sequence to a "low intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Insectes en Origami:

    A single square of very large kami or foil paper is recommended (15"/38cm). With more practice you can use smaller sheets.

  • Conceptual Origami
    Teacher(s): Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez
    Level: Not Rated

    The complete title of this talk is "Conceptual Origami: The Model's Subject Comes First". Like in the rest of figurative origami, conceptual origami depends on the subject, but in this case it isn't given. The creator had to conceive the subject before designing the model. This origami subtype is not as known, yet has much potential as an art form, since it centers its attention on communicating with the observer.

    In this talk, we will delve into its elements and traits, and if there's enough time, we will close with a practical exercise on the topic.

  • Corydoras
    Teacher(s): Yuankai Zhang
    Creator(s): Yuankai Zhang
    Level: Complex

    Teaching a fish design. Based on 22.5 degree technique.

  • Cricket Hiding in the Grass
    Teacher(s): Lucca Badino
    Creator(s): Akira Yoshizawa, Lucca Badino
    Level: Low Intermediate

    I will show you how to fold the Bell Cricket by Akira Yoshizawa along with some natural details for the cricket to hide in including blades of grass.

  • Diagonal Pocket Fold
    Teacher(s): Maria Velazquez
    Creator(s): Hedi Kyle
    Level: Intermediate

    Ellen Aronson introduced me to this lovely model. This model is attributed to Heidi Kyle and Ulla Warchol in the Art of the Fold, although various forms have appeared online. I will be teaching this model using paper a bit different sized than it appears in the book. The class will be using letter and large paper. The book features a roof flap lock similar to one used by Gay M. Gross’ practical purse. This model has several pockets inside and outside much like a wallet and if time permits a small notepad/book will be added. Participants may want to bring some bling bling for decoration and/or small punch outs
    It would be useful to have a bone folder, knowledge of inside reverse fold. Accuracy is desirable

  • Dog
    Teacher(s): Donna Walcavage
    Creator(s): Roman Diaz
    Level: Intermediate

    Roman Diaz taught his delightful model at Origami World Marathon 4. Although it was listed as Dog, he noted that he called it ‘Triangular Dog’ because it was made up of triangles. It is loaded with personality and charm!

  • Dolphin
    Teacher(s): Ojas Parekh
    Creator(s): Ojas Parekh
    Level: High Intermediate

    This is not too hard of a model, but you should be comfortable with shaping.
    22.5 degree model.
    I will explain the design process a little during the class.

  • Double Bird Card
    Teacher(s): Janet Hamilton
    Creator(s): Sy Chen
    Level: High Intermediate

    This card features two cranes facing each other and makes a nice gift tag or card for an anniversary, shower, wedding, or Valentine’s Day. It is best folded from duo paper that is not too thick; 10” kami will make a small card that is the perfect size for holding one or two gift cards. There are a number of unusual squashes that make this a bit challenging, and comfort collapsing a bird base will help. Good landmarks and precreases make it a satisfying model to fold.

  • Estrella Arabesco
    Teacher(s): Andrew Hans
    Creator(s): Juan Lòpez Figueroa
    Level: High Intermediate

    A beautiful star with an interesting number of points and layers.

  • Exploring Math with Origami
    Teacher(s): Marc Kirschenbaum and Daniel Scher
    Level: Not Rated

    Come explore the delightful and unexpected connections between origami and math. We’ll focus on models where you are free to pick the locations of certain folds, with your choices helping to convey the generality of mathematical results. No mathematical background required - this is a class for everyone. Of course, teachers and parents looking to give their kids a mathematical edge will not want to miss this. Nothing harder than the basic Valley Fold will be utilized, but being able to handle “low intermediate” level folds will be beneficial.
    We will be following exercises presented in the book Explore Math with Origami:

    You will use many sheets of kami (6"/15cm) for these exercises, so be sure to have at least a dozen on hand.

  • Flapping Bird wearing Crane Co
    Teacher(s): Faye Goldman
    Creator(s): Wensdy Whitehead
    Level: Intermediate

    The Flapping Bird wearing a Crane Costume is a cool combination of the traditional crane and flapping bird. The silhouette is of the Crane, but it flaps like a flapping bird.

  • Flower Box
    Teacher(s): Kathleen Sheridan
    Creator(s): Makoto Yamaguchi
    Level: Intermediate

    A great modular box with a flower on the lid. The lid beautifully fits the bottom of the box.

  • Glue - er, Wet-Folding Demo
    Teacher(s): Brian Chan
    Level: High Intermediate

    How do professional origami pieces hold their shape? You may be surprised to know that often, glue is one of the secrets! I will show the technique of applying glue and water to origami models to help hold their form. If you have any *finished* intermediate to complex models, please bring them along, or feel free to show up to just watch me demonstrate.

  • Hildegards Schächtele +
    Teacher(s): Patricia Grodner
    Creator(s): Carmen Sprung, Michel Grand, Francesco Manini, Wayne Brown
    Level: Intermediate

    Hildegards Schächtele is a delightful model designed by Carmen Sprung. There have been several variations of this including a Santa Box by Francesco Mancini, a “Valentine’s Box” by Wayne Brown, and a ”Tetrahedron Tree Box” box by Michel Grand. We will fold as many variations as time permits.

  • Icosidodecahedron
    Teacher(s): Francesco Mancini
    Creator(s): Francesco Mancini
    Level: Intermediate

    In this class, I'll teach how to fold the basic flat unit and how to make the variation for the 20 units modular in the photo. I'll show how to make other variations if there is time.

  • Kasahara Masks
    Teacher(s): Scott Gold
    Creator(s): Kunihiko Kasahara
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Mephistopholese and Mask of Pan

  • Kawasaki Rose
    Teacher(s): Philip Jones
    Creator(s): Toshikazu Kawasaki
    Level: Intermediate

    You will learn how to do the Kawasaki twist culminating in a beautiful, realistic rose.

  • Lazy Cat
    Teacher(s): Paul Frasco
    Creator(s): Paul Frasco
    Level: Intermediate

    Laz cat. An intermediate model that does require a reverse fold but has strong landmarks. We will fold the base model and look at options to add flourishes and opportunities for wetfolding.

  • Love Bug
    Teacher(s): Stephen Buck
    Creator(s): Wensdy Whitehead
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Love Bug is Wensdy Whitehead's clever variation of the traditional cicada model.

  • Mizuhiki Knots A
    Teacher(s): Brian Kolins
    Level: Not Rated

    Folding using Japanese decorative paper cords, simple designs everyone can learn. Books of designs are available for the students to look through and use, along with cords to make knots. Each class will start with the basic knots, but students are free to work on whatever they'd like from the books or their own imaginations.

  • Mono Printing
    Teacher(s): Louise Oppenheimer-Flax
    Level: Not Rated

    This class is Gelli plate printing without a plate. We will use acrylic paints, foam brayers and a variety of surfaces to make designs on origami paper (or any other paper of your choosing). Students are encouraged to bring leaves, stencils, origami models and anything else they want to print. Wearing a smock or clothing that you don't care if you get paint on is necessary.

  • Origami & learning mathematics
    Teacher(s): Sue Pope
    Level: Simple

    Origami has rich potential for learning mathematics. In this discussion session I will share some simple folds that I like to use in mathematics lessons. Participants are encouraged to bring things that have worked for them to share.

  • Origami Buckyball
    Teacher(s): Belle Fernandez
    Creator(s): Rona Gurkewitz / Bennett Arnstein
    Level: Low Intermediate

    This bucky ball is a modular model made from 60 equilateral triangle pieces. It can be displayed by itself or encase a light bulb for an interesting lamp.

  • Origami Goose
    Teacher(s): Allison Wang
    Creator(s): Jo Nakashima
    Level: Complex

    Origami Goose by Jo Nakashima.

  • Origami Magic Ball
    Teacher(s): Samanyu Bhansali
    Creator(s): yuri shumakov
    Level: Complex

    Create the most stunning magic ball with just half a letter-sized paper! In this class, I will teach you how to make a unique and interesting ball in about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  • Origami Mexico Sunburst Star
    Teacher(s): Deanna Kwan
    Creator(s): Sok Song
    Level: Low Intermediate

    I love, love, love this star. It requires 10 units but the folds are easy! Look how many I have folded. Patterned papers, especially asymmetrical patterns and duo, give surprising and amazing results!

  • Pagoda
    Teacher(s): Jimmy Yu
    Level: Low Intermediate

    We will fold the traditional origami pagoda. The pagodas can stand up, and you can stack multiple pagodas together to form a tall tower. 6" x 6" kami works well. Students should be comfortable folding a traditional crane on their own (good approximation of difficulty).

  • Paper making demonstration
    Teacher(s): Matthew LaBoone, Boice Wong
    Level: Not Rated

    This class will teach multiple ways to make and prepare paper for different types of origami models. We will start with a discussion on the different characteristics of paper and the value of using the appropriate paper for each fold. Example papers will be available to feel the differences along with finished models using different papers. We will then demonstrate the steps to make handmade paper from scratch. We will also demonstrate treating pre-made paper with methylcellulose to prepare it for folding, and explain ways to customize the paper for your needs. Time permitting, attendees will be able to try these techniques hands on.

  • Pentagon Sakoda Rose
    Teacher(s): Mark DeWolf-Ott
    Creator(s): James Sakoda, variation by Mark DeWolf-Ott
    Level: Intermediate

    The student will learn to make a pentagon from a square and fold it into a twist rose using Dr. James M. Sakoda's technique. The folder should be familiar with a simple sink and the crane base.

  • Photographing your models
    Teacher(s): Brian Chan
    Level: Intermediate

    Want to take better pictures of your origami models? Here is a quick lesson on how to use lighting and composition to improve your photos. You may be surprised at what's possible even with just your phone camera!

  • Ring of Cranes
    Teacher(s): Louise Oppenheimer-Flax
    Creator(s): Tomoko Fuse
    Level: Intermediate

    Lovely wreath made from cranes. We can try other variations if there is time.

  • Semi-Sunken Icosahedron
    Teacher(s): John Szinger
    Creator(s): John Szinger
    Level: Complex

    This intriguing geometric form is folded from a single-sheet, developed with a grid of triangles. A new development in John's ongoing work in single-sheet polyhedra. Amaze your friends!

  • Shadow Box & How I Designed It
    Teacher(s): Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez
    Level: Intermediate

    In this class, you will learn how to fold "Shadow Box", a model of my own design. Aside from having an elegant color change, it can easily hold an acrylic glass in order to protect its content, and includes a back pocket with which you can hang it from a wall. Not only will you learn how to fold the model, but also learn the story behind it and the process that resulted in its creation.

    The instructor will supply all the materials, including a 5 x 7'' acrylic glass.

  • Spring Into Action
    Teacher(s): Wendy Zeichner
    Creator(s): Jeff Benyon
    Level: High Intermediate

    This classic twist fold will amaze your friends. Folded from a rectangle using copy paper, the result is a cool action model. Wendy will teach a method to get good clean folds that make the twisting easier. Students will need to fold into thirds and make precise sharp creases.

  • Star Box Rose
    Teacher(s): Sy Chen
    Creator(s): Sy Chen
    Level: Intermediate

    After watching the recent video from The Fold about the rose by Roman Gorelik, I could not resist developing my own version based on the same traditional star box.

  • Star Octagon
    Teacher(s): Tung Ken Lam
    Creator(s): Tung Ken Lam
    Level: Low Intermediate

    A modular eight-pointed star that looks good folded from origami paper, memo cube paper or even duo paper. The front and back are almost the same.
    Some variations will be shown like the "Star Wheel" in the Origami Collection 2024 (p. 105). What else can you come up with?

  • Starburst Medallion
    Teacher(s): Anita Reinehr
    Creator(s): Anita Reinehr
    Level: Intermediate

    This model is designed along with its sister model Snowflake Medallion in 2023. Model is folded from pentagon duo paper which we will cut from 8” or larger square thin paper in class. Will discuss folding Snowflake Medallion if time permits.

  • Starflower
    Teacher(s): Francesco Mancini
    Creator(s): Francesco Mancini
    Level: Intermediate

    This is a modular star made from 8 units with a flowery color change due to the circular paper. it's an adaptation to the circles of a star made from squares. If there is time I will show it as well.

  • Storigami
    Teacher(s): Judith Fryer
    Creator(s): unknown, traditional
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Telling a story while folding a model, often with a surprise ending. For each model, I will go through the process as a demonstration, then do it again with class participation, stopping to help as needed.

  • SUMO!
    Teacher(s): Talo Kawasaki
    Creator(s): Hideo Komatsu/Talo Kawasaki
    Level: Intermediate

    Time to RUMBLE! Learn to fold my variation of Hideo Komatsu's pureland Kamizumo, aka Sumo with color changes. I taught this intermediate level model before but now I have made it even better for fierce but friendly tussling. Using 6 inch (15cm) squares, we will fold at least two wrestlers and you'll receive a dohoyo (wrestling ring) for action-packed play.

  • Tilted Grid Manatee
    Teacher(s): Dexter Namkung
    Creator(s): Dexter Namkung
    Level: Complex

    This class will show you how to fold a manatee that I designed using the tilted grid method. Tilted grid is very fun to fold with but it requires lots of experience which is why I’m limiting the number of people that can sign up as well as upping the difficulty and time. Please have prior experience with box-pleat crease patterns before signing up.

  • Triple D
    Teacher(s): Jeannine Mosely
    Creator(s): Jeannine Mosely
    Level: High Intermediate

    "Triple D" is the Double Dodecahedron Dissection. The model consists of a ring of 24 edge-connected, alternating tetrahedra and pentahedra that can be folded up to make either a pentagonal dodecahedron or a rhombic dodecahedron. It is a modular, made from 60 squares and 12 silver rectangles. We will probably not finish the model in class, but everyone will know how to make the modules and connect them before the end. Free math lesson included!

  • Two Piece Shadow Box Frame
    Teacher(s): Rachel Katz
    Creator(s): Yuri Shumakov
    Level: Intermediate

    Made from two rectangles of letter or A4 size paper or similar proportioned rectangle, this clever model needs no glue. It's perfect for displaying Origami models.

  • Wrap It Up Locked Tato Box
    Teacher(s): Arlene Gorchov
    Creator(s): Wensdy Whitehead
    Level: Low Intermediate

    I'll teach two versions of this sweet Tato box. Other versions can be found at

  • Yoda
    Teacher(s): Steven Rollin
    Creator(s): Stephen O'Hanlon
    Level: High Intermediate

    I will be teaching Stephen O'Hanlon's Yoda.

  • Yogami
    Teacher(s): Lisa Corfman
    Level: Not Rated

    Yogami is human body folding. Let’s exercise like paper while strengthening our understanding of origami bases. First, we will body fold, then we will paper and napkin fold!

    Yogami combines Yoga and Gami. Yoga is a Hindu discipline of mindful body movements for health and relaxation. Gami is part of the word Origami which means folding paper, a Japanese art form. In that word, Ori means fold, and Gami refers to Kami, which is a type of paper to fold. In summary, Yogami exercises are movement illustrating folds flexing one’s bone joints with different body stretches, combining Yoga with the nature of Gami.


  • Accordion Book
    Teacher(s): John Blackman
    Creator(s): Traditional - Froebel Unit
    Level: Simple

    This accordion book is perfect to show off photographs, sketches or just your favorite paper samples. We will make and assemble two sections; more can be added later. I will demonstrate how to enhance the book with additions to convert it into a junk journal or travel journal. There are additional assembly options to make this unit into other useful objects that I will cover as time permits.

  • An Asymmetrical Hippocampus
    Teacher(s): Haozheng Pei
    Creator(s): Haozheng Pei
    Level: Intermediate

    We'll learn how to fold a special, color-changing, asymmetrical hippocampus designed by Haozheng Pei.

  • Arbor Rose
    Teacher(s): Jason Schneider
    Creator(s): Jason Schneider
    Level: Intermediate

    I will teach a rose I designed this past March. It's got an interesting sequence with memorable landmarks and I hope to see you there!

  • Baby Flasher Hat
    Teacher(s): Luke Meng
    Creator(s): Jeremy Shafer
    Level: Intermediate

    The Baby Flasher Hat is an origami hat that can be compressed down to a smaller version, one that can be held easily in your hand. It is very similar to Jeremy Shafer's other Flasher Hat. In fact, it is the same model but with fewer repetitions, so it is not much easier, just less time-consuming, to fold than the Flasher Hat.

  • Banknote Book
    Teacher(s): Aimee Miura
    Creator(s): Wensdy Whitehead
    Level: High Intermediate

    A book made from a dollar bill.

  • Bass
    Teacher(s): Richard Ellison
    Creator(s): Richard Ellison
    Level: High Intermediate

    A favorite of anglers. The base for this fish design, like the form of the fish itself, is irregular.
    Note: this class will likely run longer than the allotted time.

  • Blossoming Heart
    Teacher(s): Belle Fernandez
    Creator(s): Stefan Brinkmann / Shin Hon-Gyo
    Level: High Intermediate

    This model by Stefan Brinkmann is his variation of Shin Hin-Gyo’s “Rose Box Top”. It features a heart with a rose in its center. Using a harmony kami with two or more colors with the one color in the middle of the paper results in the rose that pops more prominently when completed. While folding it with 6-inch paper is ok, is better to fold the model with an 8-inch paper.

  • Brown Thrasher
    Teacher(s): Richard Ellison
    Creator(s): Richard Ellison
    Level: High Intermediate

    The state bird of my home, Georgia. The Brown Thrasher sports straight tail feathers and a longish curved beak. This fold is from a flexible base that could easily be adapted to other bird species.

  • Buddha
    Teacher(s): Reza Nagree
    Creator(s): Reza Nagree
    Level: Complex

    This model is heavily inspired by Hojyo Takashi’s Buddha design, however the structure is completely different. The sequence is fairly straightforward, however there are places where the model is 3d for multiple steps at a time. Knowledge of basic box pleating concepts as well as grafting will be very helpful.

  • Color change human
    Teacher(s): Damian Donjerkovic
    Creator(s): Damian Donjerkovic
    Level: Supercomplex

    Super complex class that is a box pleated model, requiring experienced shaping and being comfortable with multiple sink folds and spread squashes.

  • Concave Dodecahedron
    Teacher(s): Jeannine Mosely
    Creator(s): Jeannine Mosely
    Level: Intermediate

    Like the regular dodecahedron, this model has 12 pentagonal faces, but the pentagons are concave and the resulting polyhedron is concave. When the double dodecahedron dissection (see the description of my other class, "Triple D") is folded up into a pentagonal dodecahedron, it is solid all the way to its center, but when it is folded up into a rhombic dodecahedron, there is a void in its interior. The figure is the shape of that void.

  • Emergency origami!
    Teacher(s): Susan Dugan
    Level: Simple

    This class introduces caring and sharing origami in unanticipated ways, from crying children, heartbreaking situations, dissolving anger and saying "thank you". Come learn and share. We Will share a few simple models most can be folded from found materials. I Hope that the class participates by SHOWING and sharing their own special origami that they fold to quiet the screaming child, and origami to say thank you, I love or care about you when words are hard to find. If you know where your special origami is diagrammed please be prepared to share that information.

  • Faceted Star Top Hexagonal Box
    Teacher(s): Arlene Gorchov
    Creator(s): Tomoko Fuse/ Shuzo Fujimoto
    Level: High Intermediate

    Delightful box, 1pc for the lid (Tomoko Fuse), 1pc for the bottom ( Shuzo Fujimoto)
    This was the first model I ever taught at a convention...early 1990's

  • Fish-base Whale
    Teacher(s): Casey Kong
    Creator(s): Casey Kong
    Level: High Intermediate

    I'll be teaching a whale I designed while on a whale watching trip. As the name suggests, it's based off of a fish base. There are a lot of points in the folding sequence where you can adjust the model, and other opportunities later to shape it to your liking.

  • Flexible Tube
    Teacher(s): Nobuko Okabe
    Creator(s): Nobuko Okabe
    Level: Intermediate

    This is a flexible modular tube with Super Nobu Unit. 10-member rings are joined vertically to form a tube. This tube is stretchable in all directions. Folding unit is very simple. Once you learn how to assemble and add more layers, you can keep going. The photos show a 10-layer (100 units) tube and a 100-layer (1000 units) tube. Hopefully we can make 3-4 layers in the class.

  • Horned Owl
    Teacher(s): Steve Tucker
    Creator(s): Steve Tucker
    Level: Intermediate

    A cute horned owl from a partial windmill base! Intermediate but a very straight forward fold. Some pre-creasing in the beginning then collapse city with a few maneuver and voila!

  • Hummingbird
    Teacher(s): Alex Matthews
    Creator(s): Alex Matthews
    Level: Intermediate

    Plump little hummingbird I designed a few years back. This model is fairly straightforward but does include several squash folds. Diagrams will be provided for participants to take a picture of at the end of class.

  • Hydrangea
    Teacher(s): James Peake
    Creator(s): Takenao Handa/Shuzo Fujimoto
    Level: Complex

    This "Hydrangea" model is a variation on Shuzo Fujimoto's iconic "Crowding Butterflies" tessellation. This modification and accompanying leaf design were created by Takenao Handa, and diagrams appear in NOA Magazine, Issue 573 (June 2023). One might argue the added dome effect makes the original Crowding Butterflies model look even more like an actual hydrangea, especially with the added leaves.

    The collapse is perhaps the most challenging aspect of this tessellation, hence the complex difficulty rating. Otherwise the pre-creasing and subsequent folds post-collapse are relatively straightforward and not too difficult.

    Flower is folded from a single square. Leaves are folded from a 1x2 rectangle. Paper for both will be provided in class. Note that the leaves do not actually attach to the flower, but just rest underneath the domed tessellation.

  • Jewel Box
    Teacher(s): James Peake
    Creator(s): Jun Maekawa & Akira Iino
    Level: Intermediate

    Many may recognize this form as a traditional Japanese box/dish, except this box has 4 flaps that allow it to close at the top. Two versions of this will be taught: a simpler version designed by Jun Maekawa, and a more intricate version designed by Akira Iino. While the two versions look practically identical in their final form, they are actually quite different and have two completely different sets of flaps that close the box.

  • Jubilant Star & variations
    Teacher(s): Anita Reinehr
    Creator(s): Anita Reinehr
    Level: Low Intermediate

    A modular star from 6 sheets of square papers. The base form is easy. Will explore the different elements of the model that can be changed for many possible variations. Bring at least 12 sheets of 3” or larger square paper for basic model and 2 variations.

  • Live Origami Design Demo
    Teacher(s): Chris Conrad
    Level: Intermediate

    An introduction to origami design centered on a live design demonstration. After introducing basic design theory, Chris will design and fold a new original model live and unscripted based on an audience prompt, talking through his process as he works. A good class for those interested in learning both the basics of origami design and advanced techniques. Participants will be invited but not expected to fold along with Chris.

  • Magic Rose Cube
    Teacher(s): Brian Kolins
    Creator(s): Valerie Vann
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Is it a cube? Is it a rose? Yes! This model makes an amazing transformation from a simple-looking cube to a beautiful flower. Class is more than 45 minutes, but less than 1:45, so students either will be able to get out earlier, or be able to likely make 2 models.

  • Memo Pad Holder & A Challenge
    Teacher(s): Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez
    Level: Simple

    The full name of this workshop is "Memo Pad Holder and The Practical Origami Challenge". Both the model you will learn how to fold, which is of my own creation, and the follow-up challenge are perfect for paper folders of all skill levels. Memo Pad Holder is a great example of practical origami, quite useful for those who often use small square paper.

    Now, the best part comes after. Each of you will challenge yourselves with an exploratory solution-based activity, which will be completed devoted to this amazing segment of the paper folding spectrum: practical origami!

  • Modular Book and Folds for 3 Years Old and Up
    Teacher(s): Rona Gurkewitz
    Creator(s): Book - Rona Gurkewitz, Picture Frame - Laura Kruskal
    Level: Simple

    Rona's Modular Book/Album is made from several rectangles, including squares, with all sheets of paper the same size. The size of the book will be half the width and half the length of the rectangles. You will be able to orient the book as Portrait or Landscape. You may choose how many inside pages to have. You may use it as an album or an autograph book or something else.
    Storigami for 3 year olds will fold a dog head and picture frame. The dog can bark and do a trick with math ideas noted.

  • Origami Cherry Blossom
    Teacher(s): Kika Salgo
    Creator(s): Pham Hoang Hai
    Level: Complex

    This model uses many unique folds and techniques with which beginner and intermediate folders may be unfamiliar. The final step requires the folder to turn the model inside out in a method similar to a closed sink.

  • Origami Museum Tutorial
    Teacher(s): Lisa Corfman
    Level: Not Rated

    Enjoy our introduction to the Origami Museum with our Origami Place management and the kindling creativity philosophy. We’ll share tools for involvement whether visiting or exhibiting, or whether you wish to sell or shop. The idea is we will FOLD mountains and valleys for you!

  • Peacock
    Teacher(s): Chris Conrad
    Creator(s): Chris Conrad
    Level: Supercomplex

    Learn to fold this intricate and unique peacock!

    This is a very complex design, you should be comfortable with lengthy pre-creasing and 3D steps which cannot be done on a flat surface.

    35cm+ paper required.

  • Pelican
    Teacher(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Creator(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Level: Intermediate

    This Pelican has a few hidden folds giving this model an " intermediate" level designation. It is well balanced and will comfortably stand with its gaping expression. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Origami by the Sea:

    A single square of larger kami is recommended (10"/25cm). With more practice you can use smaller sheets.

  • Pentagonal Box
    Teacher(s): Janet Yelle
    Creator(s): Tomoko Fuse
    Level: Intermediate

    This is an elegant five sided modular box with a lid.

  • Pentagons galore
    Teacher(s): Francesco Mancini
    Creator(s): Francesco Mancini
    Level: Intermediate

    We will three fold models from pentagons: Fever Star, Fever Flower, and Gabi Star (left to right in the photo). A mix of old and new designs.

  • Plane Face
    Teacher(s): Boice Wong
    Creator(s): Boice Wong
    Level: Complex

    A cute human origami with a square for a head. Modeled after my popular design, Head Empty, this version is much simpler and easier to fold. Come enjoy some box-pleating, color-changes, and discussion about it's design structure.

  • Soul in Origami
    Teacher(s): Lisa Corfman
    Level: Not Rated

    In origami there is math which had energy and can be infinite, and paper which is finite matter. This provides an analogy to grasp the sense of the soul and the world around us. Life’s purpose is complex but sometimes we can find simple understanding from origami. I have more ideas. You can share yours.

  • Star with Decoration
    Teacher(s): Daniel Scher
    Creator(s): Chris Palmer
    Level: Complex

    This beautiful and rarely taught Chris Palmer model comes courtesy of Jorge Jaramillo, who in turn learned it from a friend visiting Chris Palmer. It features Chris' signature "decreeping" method, which is also used to fold his Flower Tower.

  • Sunburst Decoration
    Teacher(s): Deb Pun
    Creator(s): Paul Jackson
    Level: High Intermediate

    Sunburst Decoration is a gorgeous 1-sheet model designed by Paul Jackson. During class, we will fold from one sheet of ~24cm (~9.5in) plain kami. No cutting! The folded octagon-shaped Sunburst will not fold completely flat. Perfect for origami brooch or holiday decorations when folded from mosaic foil paper!
    Be comfortable with squash folds, many repeating folds, opening and collapsing the model. Model requires a high degree of accuracy. Patience is key to completing a clean model.
    24cm (9.5in) sheet yields~12cm (~4.75in) finished sunburst;15cm sheet yields 7.5cm.
    When you practice this design on your own, find paper that has a corner design such as Corner Harmony paper so the pattern will appear in the front. Center of the sheet will appear on the back of the design.
    Paul Jackson has kindly and generously given permission to share diagrams which will be distributed after class.
    He has asked for a group photo to be shared with him after class.

  • Tangram Set
    Teacher(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Creator(s): Marc Kirschenbaum
    Level: Low Intermediate

    Most of us have had the pleasure of forming different patterns with a classic Tangram set, reinforcing the mathematical relationships the seven pieces have with each other. You can now make an origami version of this classic puzzle, with each piece formed from the same sized square. There are some tricky reference points, giving this model a "low intermediate" level designation. Diagrams for this can be found in the book Explore Math with Origami:

    Seven sheets of kami will be needed (6"/15cm) for a complete set of pieces.

  • Towel teddy & washcloth bunny
    Teacher(s): Aimee Miura
    Creator(s): Unknown (teddy bear); Aimee Miura (bunny)
    Level: Intermediate

    Two models made from square hand towels: a teddy bear which was discussed on one of the origami email lists in the past and a bunny which I've modified from the ones usually seen on the web. The models are held together with rubber bands.

  • Twist Star
    Teacher(s): Michael Naughton
    Creator(s): Francesco Guarnieri
    Level: Low Intermediate

    A fairly simple, but elegant, twist star made from a hexagon. Pre-cut hexagons will be provided by the instructor. S. Guarnieri has a number of fun models on his website, and I hope this inspires people to check it out.

  • Wheel Star
    Teacher(s): Francesco Mancini
    Creator(s): Francesco Mancini
    Level: Low Intermediate

    This is a modular star made from 8 silver rectangles. It can also be assembled to a more puffy shape with 7 units. The folding and assembly are quick so I will teach the color change variation from squares too.