Class ratings are: NR = Not Rated, S = Simple, LI = Low Intermediate, I = Intermediate, HI = High Intermediate, C = Complex, SC = Supercomplex.
Room | 10:00 - 10:45 | 11:00 - 11:45 | 2:00 - 2:45 | 3:00 - 3:45 | 4:00 - 4:45 |
Lower Level, Bowery |
Big City Dreams
Level: I
C: Jeff Raab, Frank Ling
T: Jeff Raab |
Sonobe Module Workshop
Level: LI
C: Mitsunobu Sonobe
T: Nathan Ascher |
Lower Level, Gramercy |
Level: I
C: Steve Tucker
T: Steve Tucker |
First Origami Models
Level: S
C: Traditional
T: Jeanine Meyer |
Wensdy: Reflect, Fold, Live On
Level: LI
T: Lisa Corfman |
Level: I
C: Jeff Raab
T: Jeff Raab |
Three Kings Star
Level: HI
C: Philip Chapman-Bell
T: Philip Chapman-Bell |
Lower Level, Flatiron |
Kissy Fish
Level: I
C: Junior Fritz Jacquet
T: Jeanine Meyer |
Highland Coo
Level: I
C: Linda Macfarlane
T: Linda MacFarlane |
My Favourite Polyhedron
Level: NR
T: Tung Ken Lam |
An Origami-Inspired Mascot
Level: I
T: Haozheng Pei |
Lower Level, Chelsea |
Folding a Sailboat
Level: I
C: Haozheng Pei
T: Haozheng Pei |
Origami and a square
Level: LI
C: Magic Star by Robert Neale, Cube by Marc Kirschenbaum, Peace Dove by Alice Gray
T: Helen Rodney |
Principles of Kusudama Design
Level: I
T: Raymond Feng |
Lower Level, Sugar Hill |
Origami Dragon Bookmark
Level: HI
C: Jo Nakashima
T: Samanyu Bhansali |
The Space Cat
Level: HI
C: John Szinger
T: John Szinger |
The Dog
Level: C
C: Neel Dalela
T: Neel Dalela |
Lower Level, Murray Hill |
Stern Veronika
Level: HI
C: Carmen Sprung
T: Steven Rollin |
Level: LI
C: Brian Beitel
T: Brian Beitel |
Love Fortune Teller
Level: I
C: Sy Chen
T: Sy Chen |
3rd Floor, Carnegie Suite East |
Show & Tell: Folding Tools
Level: NR
T: Belle Fernandez |
Level: HI
C: William Hartman
T: William Hartman |
Level: HI
C: Paul Frasco
T: Paul Frasco |
Ryukaku - Dragon Crane
Level: HI
C: Yamaki
T: Andrew Hans |
Lower Level, Columbus Circle |
Level: C
C: Jack Skillman
T: Scott Gold |
Level: I
C: Marc Kirschenbaum
T: Marc Kirschenbaum |
Saber-Toothed Tiger
Level: I
C: Marc Kirschenbaum
T: Marc Kirschenbaum |
Lower Level, Sutton Place |
Happy Rabbit and Carrot
Level: I
C: Leyla Torres
T: Leyla Torres |
My favorite Gomibako x 3
Level: S
C: Traditional
T: Pamela Miike |
Half cubed Hypar
Level: I
C: Francesco Mancini
T: Francesco Mancini |
Lower Level, Union Square |
Origami Quilt with Nobu Unit
Level: I
C: Nobuko Okabe
T: Nobuko Okabe |
Hearty Cube
Level: I
C: Meenakashi Mukerjji
T: Faye Goldman |
Level: I
C: Kyoko Enomoto
T: Stephen Buck |
Lower Level, Madison Square |
Box-pleat chair
Level: C
C: Dex Namkung
T: Dexter Namkung |
Sword and Shield
Level: SC
C: Boice Wong
T: Boice Wong |
3rd Floor, Liberty 4 |
Checkered Trominos
Level: S
C: Sy Chen
T: Sy Chen |
Magic Coin Star
Level: LI
C: Sy Chen
T: Sy Chen |
Mizuhiki Knots 1
Level: NR
T: Brian Kolins |
Imprisioned Polyhedron Module
Level: LI
C: Robert Miller
T: Robert Miller |
3rd Floor, Liberty 5 |
Mondrian Cube
Level: LI
C: Francesco Mancini
T: Francesco Mancini |
Level: LI
C: Jason Schneider
T: Jason Schneider |
Hana Tanzaku
Level: LI
C: Ms. Sayoko Kuwabara
T: Deanna Kwan |
Nora (Star) and Variations
Level: I
C: Carmen Sprung
T: Jean Rishel |
Los Caballos
Level: I
C: Rocking horse - Jose Tomas Buitrago; Pureland Horse Marc Kirschenbaum, Horse Head - Leyla Torres
T: Maria Velazquez |
5th Floor, Madison 1 |
Level: I
C: David Mitchell
T: Philip Jones |
Penta star
Level: S
C: Maria Sinayskaya
T: Kathy Stevick |
Star Bowl 2024
Level: C
C: Omer Shalev
T: Omer Shalev |
5th Floor, Madison 2 |
Toy Car
Level: HI
C: Herman Van Goubergen
T: Jean Baden-Gillette |
Jungle creatures
Level: LI
C: Joel Stern
T: Joel Stern |
Balloon Folding
Level: NR
T: Lisa Corfman |
5th Floor, Madison 3 |
Shirt Box
Level: LI
C: Tanja Pevner
T: Mae Dean Erb |
Level: I
C: John Montroll
T: Jorge Pezzat |
Leaf Star
Level: SC
C: Jon Tucker
T: Jonathan Tucker |
5th Floor, Park 1 |
Connecting Card Pockets (ATCs)
Level: I
C: Gacharná Ramírez, Gerardo
T: Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez |
Level: S
C: Traditional
T: Ruthanne Bessman |