Below are the volunteer areas for Convention 2024. Click on any link to see the available time slots for each task and/or to sign up for a time slot.
Area Coordinator - Donna Walcavage. These volunteers are the faces first seen as people come to check in. Volunteers help set up the registration packets and Survival Kits on Friday, and distribute them to attendees as they check in on Friday evening and Saturday morning. They also support first-time Convention attendees.
There are 3 tasks in this area.
Area Coordinator - Emma Opitz. The 2022 and 2023 Conventions saw more members of the public visit than ever before. Share your love of origami by teaching some simple models to the non-folding public when they come to visit the Exhibition or the Sales areas. This gives the visitors a chance to appreciate the joy of paperfolding. Shifts are 45 minutes to one hour each.
There is 1 task in this area.
Area Coordinator - Heidi Lenney. Volunteers in this position help out in The Origami Source which includes Goldmine. Tasks include set-up and breakdown, maintaining inventory, answering questions, and assisting with sales.
There are 3 tasks in this area.
Area Coordinators - Ruthanne Bessman & Boice Wong. The Exhibition is an area where members of our community are able to see each others work and the public is able to see the incredible art we make. There are a number of volunteer opportunities for this very special part of Convention.
- Set Up & Break Down: setting up and breaking down the room where the Exhibition is held.
- Exhibition Monitor: overseeing the exhibit itself while it is open to Convention attendees and the public.
- Exhibitor Hour: all exhibitors are required to volunteer one hour of their time in the Exhibit. If you are an exhibitor this is what you sign up for.
- Exhibition Supervisor: if you're a Supervisor you know who you are already.
There are 4 tasks in this area.
Area Coordinator - Kathy Stevick. Silent Auction volunteers sit and answer questions for those who have come to bid. This is a good position for volunteers looking for a low-key way to lend a hand. We also need volunteers for Set-Up, Closing, and Breakdown.
There are 2 tasks in this area.
Area Coordinator - Mike Montebello. Assist in setting up materials before the Convention begins and helping to pack up as the Convention draws to its close. Specific directions will be provided on site from the Logistic managers. Requires being on your feet and ability to lift and move boxes of varying weight.
There are 2 tasks in this area.
Area Coordinator - Talo Kawasaki. Help cut the 9-foot rolls of paper into squares for the Oversize Folding event. Paper preparation is on Friday. You will need to be able to crawl around on the floor and carefully measure and hold the paper and cut with sharp knife edges. Most of the work is aligning the paper. Only experienced people will cut the paper. We will have some knee pads available, and the room is supposed to be carpeted but don’t always count on it. Expect to spend at least two hours cutting and organizing paper.
There is 1 task in this area.
Area Coordinator - Kathleen Sheridan. No experience necessary with Convention or TAROS to be a judge! This is a low pressure and fun volunteering position, you may even have more fun than the participants! Volunteers will meet up with Kathleen at 8:15 PM time (15 minutes before the competition begins) to get acquainted with the table they are judging.
There is 1 task in this area.