The success of the OrigamiUSA Convention depends upon our volunteer teachers! If you teach at Convention, you may be eligible for Priority Ticketing. Details of how Priority Ticketing works are here. If you have any questions, contact us at convention-teaching [at]


The cutoff date for entering classes is firmly fixed and cannot be extended, because the final class schedule must be posted before online class registration can begin. Key dates are:

  • May 28, 1:00 pm — Sign-up to teach opens.
  • June 26, 1:00 pm — Sign-up to teach ends.
  • July 1, 1:00 pm — Class requests begin.
  • July 12, 1:00 pm — Class requests end.
  • July 12, 5:00 pm — Class assignments posted.

Register to Teach a Class

You must register for convention (even if you are not taking classes) before you can sign up to teach. You can register as either "With Classes" or "Without Classes" in order to teach.

Remember that we must have the creators' permission to teach their designs, and that diagrams may be distributed only with permission from the diagrammer and creator. CfC maintains a directory of creators who list what permissions they give (ranging from "free to teach" to "ask me"); check there if you're wondering about an artist. If you need help obtaining permission, please contact the convention teaching team at convention-teaching [at], who will try to help.

Note, too, that only a limited number of rooms will have special equipment (such as digital projector or document camera) available and they will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. If you wish to use anything like that, please register your class as soon as possible and note the need on your teaching form.

These forms are for those who know what they want to teach. If you don't know what you want to teach, please contact us at convention-teaching [at]

Your Teaching submissions:


  • Registration to teach at Convention 2025 will open on May 27, 2025 EDT.

Class Previews

When you register to teach a class, it will be reviewed and approved by the teaching team. After approval, a description of your class will appear on the class preview web pages. Within the teaching registration form you will have the option to upload up to three photos of your model, which will be shown on the class preview web page. Uploading photos is optional—but very important for the online class registration system. Please do not delay telling us what you want to teach, even if you don't have a photo. It can be added later if you attach it to an email addressed to convention-teaching [at]

Model Menu

The physical model menu is optional. Please make certain that the photos you upload for the classes you plan to teach are clear and attractive. This is what people will see when they choose their classes. However, you are welcome to bring a physical model to display on the model menu. The physical model menu continues to be a feature of Convention, partly to accommodate on-site registration and partly because it is a beautiful visual focus of the Convention event!

Your model for display on the Model Menu must be available in the Hospitality Area by 5:00 pm Friday, July 19.

Your model should be bigger than 3" and smaller than 8" to fit the space available. The breakdown of the Model Menu will begin at 4:00 pm Monday, July 22. You are welcome to retrieve your model anytime after your class, however, please pick it up by 6:00 pm on July 22. Models not picked up by that time will be considered a donation to OrigamiUSA.

Teaching Materials

As in past years, we will try to accommodate requests for special materials (primarily paper) for our teachers, as specified on the teaching forms. If we can't match your requirements exactly, we try to find an alternative that is acceptable.

An email summary of the materials to be ordered is always sent to the teacher. It states:

Please reply to this email, confirming, correcting, or canceling your request for special materials. If we don't receive your confirmation, we'll have to assume that the request is cancelled.

In the past, many teachers had not responded as requested but we had not followed through with the cancellation. However, in such cases, the materials ordered were often not picked up. This year we will cancel any unconfirmed orders.

One additional note on materials: 6-inch and 10-inch foil will no longer be included in the survival kits. So, if you need it for your class and don't wish to provide it yourself, you will need to ask us to order it for you.

Information for Teachers

If you are planning (or considering) teaching a class at Convention, please read through the information below to help plan your class, its level, and to insure a smooth and successful activity.

If you have any questions about teaching at Convention, please visit the Information Desk in the Hospitality area.