Area Coordinator - Donna Walcavage. These volunteers are the faces first seen as people come to check in. Volunteers help set up the registration packets and Survival Kits on Friday, and distribute them to attendees as they check in on Friday evening and Saturday morning. They also support first-time Convention attendees.

Check-in Tasks

Below you will see all of the tasks you can sign up for and which ones you have already signed up for. You may sign up for any task and time slot below that has a "Sign up" link. You can change or delete a signup until it has been approved; after that, you should contact the volunteer coordinator for changes.

Task: Collating and Packing

Collate materials and pack convention bags for registration. Involves hoisting heavy boxes.

Slot Signups Volunteers
Friday July 19 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT 4/4 4 volunteers
Friday July 19 12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT 3/3 3 volunteers

Task: Handing Out Packets and Bags

Volunteers will hand out registration packets and bags. Volunteers in this position must speak English, as well as be able to stand on their feet while welcoming registrants. They should be very familiar with OUSA convention procedures. Timeliness is imperative for this position in order to ensure registrants are able to check in efficiently.

Slot Signups Volunteers
Friday July 19 1:45pm - 3:30pm EDT 2/2 2 volunteers
Friday July 19 3:30pm - 5:30pm EDT 2/2 2 volunteers
Friday July 19 5:30pm - 7:30pm EDT 2/2 2 volunteers
Friday July 19 7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT 1/1 1 volunteer
Saturday July 20 8:15am - 9:55am EDT 2/2 2 volunteers
Sunday July 21 8:15am - 10:00am EDT 1/1 1 volunteer

Task: First Timer Assistance

This position is for Convention Pros. Volunteers will work with first timers after they receive their registration packets answering questions, explaining where things are and giving a synopsis of how the convention works.

Slot Signups Volunteers
Friday July 19 1:45pm - 3:30pm EDT 0/1 0 volunteers
Friday July 19 3:30pm - 5:30pm EDT 1/1 1 volunteer
Friday July 19 5:30pm - 7:00pm EDT 0/1 0 volunteers
Saturday July 20 8:15am - 9:55am EDT 0/1 0 volunteers
Sunday July 21 8:15am - 9:55am EDT 0/1 0 volunteers