The “Pureland Horse” created by Marc Kirschebaum is a simple model using only basic folds. It is a lovely model that can be used for cards
The “Caballo Mercedor” (Rocking Horse) is an elegant two-tone horse created by Jose Thomas Buitrago. As suggested by Leyla Torres this model would make a lovely mobile for decoration.
The “Horse Head” by Leyla Torres requires only 6 folds and makes a nice bookmark or cupcake topper.
All models can be used for cards especially for the Year of the Horse 2026. It would be useful to have a bone folder, knowledge of how to create a preliminary base, sink, and inside reverse fold. Accuracy is desirable.
Pureland Horse - Creative origami kit
Rocking Horse -Origami Colombia convention 2014
Teacher will need large paper. Students will need 3” paper. Double sided paper works well.