Convention Committee to review these sponsors and edit as needed.

OrigamiUSA is grateful to the sponsors for the 2024 Convention.

If you are interested in providing sponsorship for our Convention, please contact our President/CEO Wendy Zeichner at wendy.zeichner [at]

Taro's Origami Studio

Taro's Origami Studio's vision is to make origami accessible for new and experienced folders alike. Blending modern technology with ancient technique, we focus on the importance of basic folds and understanding the diagramming system. Our space offers papers, books, classes, events, and parties.


Setshop provided the Seamless Setpaper used for our Oversized Folding event. They also have rolls of other types of paper suitable for folding.


Aitoh has provided papers for the Convention Survival kits distributed to all Convention attendees. They have a variety of origami paper from Japan.


Tuttle has provided papers for the Convention Survival kits distributed to all Convention attendees. They have a variety of origami paper and many origami books.


MoMath is the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City and they are providing free entrance to the museum for Convention attendees and their companions / guardians from July 18–July 23, 2024. You are also invited to attend Family Friday with Francesco Mancini on July 19 at 6:30pm.