These classes have been submitted and are in the approval process. Some may not appear on the final schedule.
This lovely gift bag is perfect for Valentine's Day, or for any enclosures to a loved one. Note that this model is not yet published!
The order of teaching this model will be…
Alquimia TesselStar, es una estrella teselada que se pliega a partir de un papel hexagonal, dividido en una trama triangular de 16 espacios. También daré las pautas necesarias para plegar Alquimia Tesselation, sobre una trama triangular de 48 espacios y 64 espacios. Es posible que no terminemos la teselación de alquimia de 48 espacios en clase.
This is high intermediate model that utilizes grafts on a simple base. Folders who attempt the model should be prepared to divide a sheet into fifths, estimate thirds, and make several "subjective" folds without reference points during the final shaping phase. The sample is made from 35x35 cm Japanese foil and is approximately 10 cm tall.
Challenging with high-level modular.
You'll need some patience, strong hands for curling and clips rubbers for joining. But result will amaze you and pay back all effort.
Not slippery paper needed!
please check before following geometries to understand better joining
When would you ever see a lion with wings? Well you could -- In the origami world, of course! You will learn how to fold this majestic winged lion, one of my favourite models from the book. A variety of paper will work, including kami or tant.
Very simple yet bold looking tessellation with several arrangements possible.
No tricky twists, no intricate overlaying – even start level tessellation folder will succeed!
Amaze yourself in and got full of joy!
We will need a stick for some "popping" ;)
Do you need suggestion on how obtain a hexagon or to fold triangular grid on hexagon? Please check very exhaustive videos by Sara Adams:
This class will focus on the relationship that paper folding has to the geometric construction of patterns, in this case, the historical ornamental genre of Islamic Patterns. These are known for both their complex and simple star arrangements, as well as for their varying presence in many parts of the world, from Turkey to Iran to India to Spain to Syria with unique character and flair. There is no evidence that craftsmen from olden times used origami to construct or analyse patterns, but we shall see here that there is much that origami can offer.
We will be folding this modular kusudama. The modules are pretty easy to fold. The model consists of 30 modular units that are assembled without glue or tape.
The goal in the class is to complete between 5 and 10 units and learn how to assemble them. We will not finish all 30 units, but if you have experience with modular models, you will be fine.
In this 2 period class we're getting close to an experience of awareness and we are going to enjoy the magic of getting our mind free of stressful thoughts, merging Origami, Meditation and Mandalas, learning my model, the Mandala Hamal.
This is a complex walrus with color-changing tusks. The length of the folded walrus will be half the side length of the original square. Regular kami-thickness is fine, layers will bunch at the nose so kami that resists tearing will come in handy.
José Meeusen, a long-time origami designer from the Netherlands, is known for her geometric modulars, stars, wreaths and containers.
Louise's Star looks like it has many layers but is folded from 1-sheet of paper. This design incorporates a twist fold, satisfying folding sequence and a nice result.
This star requires a series of accurate pre-creasing for the twist fold and precise pinches. Be comfortable with creating creases that do not go across the paper. The points of the star requires an unusual combination of hooded swivel fold then a rabbit ear fold.
Elegant and quite simple model of rose, looks very realistic. Once learned it you can't stop yourself from folding more and more =)
It has the unusual structure and smart lock system. We will twist and reverse one simple base to achieve an easy to shape form. Easy shaping, no need for special techniques or materials.
Even if we start from the square the resulting flower has soft curves and very natural appearance.
Stackable calyx model (extra sheet) completes the model: it permits insert stems and creates compositions.