Edited by Jane Rosemarin
The Valentine’s Day Ghost. Anita Barbour folded the model through step 14 and mailed it flat to Jane Rosemarin, who added the 3D modeling, using methylcellulose to fix the position of the fingers and tail.
See PDF diagrams.
I folded some great origami ghosts from online videos this winter, notably those by Riki Saito and Ladislav Kanka. They inspired me to rework an old ghost of mine, adding pleats so the ghost could have fingers and the suggestion of a face. I designed and diagrammed this model on Valentine’s Day.
Editor’s note: Why not fold a Valentine’s Day Ghost in summer? Anita suggests using an 8½″-square of very thin paper, but a 12″ sheet of very thin paper will also work well. If you wish, you could mold the fingers with methylcellulose.