After teaching Stella for Origami Connect, Evan Zodl agreed to write an article for The Fold to make this lovely model accessible to more people.
Ilan Garibi shares his reminiscences of 7OSME and BOS51.
During her mathematical studies, Elina Gor researched the changes in complexity of origami models from the 1980`s to the present, to see if we are doomed to face mega-complex models in the future or maybe we already have reached the peak of complexity.
Roman Remme, a special guest at the 2018 CDO Convention, presents us with diagrams for an iso-area star.
Christiane Bettens presents us with another variation of an antiprism box.
Just in time for the holidays, Jorge Jaramillo presents us with improved diagrams of José Meeusen's Deco Star.
Chie Nara shares her impressions of her first attendance at an origami convention: BOS 2018.
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Diagrams for a modular with color change. You can assemble 12 or 30 units. Kami or thicker duo paper is recommended. Scrapbook paper works well, making the result sturdier.