You are welcome to join the Greater Philadelphia Pholders (GP^3) the first Monday of each month and/or during the quarterly meeting on Saturday in Philadelphia's Chinatown.
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Here are the diagrams for Maria's Star, which Evan Zodl created and taught at the 2016 OrigamiUSA Convention.
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Xiaoxian Huang presents us with diagrams for folding duo-colored swans.
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Here are reflections – with photos – on the 2016 OrigamiUSA Convention by guest artist Kade Chan, along with his gift of diagrams for his fiery dragon.
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Diagrams for a simple modular from squares 4" or smaller. For larger constructions though, use paper of proportion 5:33, i.e., 1:1.039.
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Dáša Ševerová's recent creation, lonely flower, has been embraced by all, including those who have never folded. Here are the diagrams for you to enjoy. You won't be able to fold just one!
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If you have been waiting for diagrams of Roman Diaz's Goat, designed in 1998, your wait is over. Vishwas Deval presents us with diagrams for the Goat.
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Inspired by Larry Stevens' Any Box, Christiane Bettens presents us with her tray-angle, a triangular box.
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For those of you wanting to fold a dragon with two jaws and four horns, here are the diagrams by Max d'Anger.
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An exploration of a propeller tessellation formed from standard square twists.
Enrique is special in the way he thinks, in his humor, in his creation. This interview introduces him and his work process, revealing more than usual, how he creates his cartoon-like, funny, lively models.
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Francesco Decio presents us with diagrams for La Cassettina Della Frutta (Nested Boxes), just in time for picking blueberries, blackberries, raspberries.