These are articles posted by The Fold editor all (who may or may not be the author; see byline for authorship). The Fold is the online magazine for members of OrigamiUSA. New articles are posted continuously over the two month period of each issue. To contribute to The Fold or for other questions, please see our FAQ.
This article aimed at novice folders examines the design and folding process for geometric bowl and vase models characterized by a series of curved pleats.
The art work of Víctor Coeurjoly reminds me of that of Salvador Dali, no less. To get to know him better, read his answers in this short and sharp interview. You could also try your hands with one of his models!
This wonderful new book stays true to its subtitle: its simple elegance and attention to detail quickly captured my heart, just as I believe it will many of yours!
After three Italian conventions, Ilan Garibi tries his hand with some Spanish folds, experiences siesta, views an unforgettable exhibition, and meets guests of honor from three different continents.
Impressions of Kay Lee and SeJin Park, first timers from Korea attending the 2012 OrigamiUSA convention in New York City: pre-convention, convention activities, oversized competition, etc.