These are articles posted by The Fold editor all (who may or may not be the author; see byline for authorship). The Fold is the online magazine for members of OrigamiUSA. New articles are posted continuously over the two month period of each issue. To contribute to The Fold or for other questions, please see our FAQ.
Italy is the place I chose for my first and second international conventions. Read inside why, and what happened from 8/12/2012 during four days of folding frenzy!
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by Tom Hull
Learn some of the history of origami geometry, as well as the story of Margherita Liazzolla Beloch, the first origami mathematician!
This last article in my video creation guide concentrates on three final tasks: adding subtitles, making your video available to others, and finally, advertising your video.
This time we're reviewing Crumpled Paper, which was introduced to the origami community by VOG. The unique texture of this paper makes it an absolute gem as it does not hinder the folding process for many types of models!
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A rotationally symmetric geometric shape, folded from a hexagon, based on Jeannine Mosely's "Bud".
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by Giang Dinh
Giang Dinh applies his trademark minimalist style to create a hippo.
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Report from the First OrigaMIT Convention hosted by OrigaMIT which took place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on November 19th, 2011.
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by Christopher Itoh
Report from the First East Bay Origami Convention hosted by CAL Origami which took place at the University of California Berkeley on November 19th, 2011.
In a series of articles, we try to clarify the application of copyright law to origami. In this first article we conclude that origami is an art form, hence covered by copyright law.
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Diagrams for a turkey, symbolic of the American holiday of Thanksgiving.
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By Marcio Noguchi
Report from the Origami Bogota 2011 Convention which took place in Colombia on October 14-16, 2011.
This is a two steps project, for a lovely coffee table piece.
A look back on the first year of The Fold!
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by Cheng Chit Leong
Diagrams for a rose by Cheng Chit Leong, demonstrating the use of curved couplets in his designs.
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by Andrew Hudson
Training in photography, painting, or other arts can be valuable when drawing diagram. Concepts of Color Theory, Composition, and Style are introduced with examples.
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by Joshua Goutam
Joshua Goutam raises the bar with this two-color entry into the field of pelican designs.
by Nick Robinson
Review of a paper airplane boxed kit.
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This article describes techniques for finding reference points for models with square root of two ratios which are commonly found in 22.5 degree designs.
This time we're reviewing Stardream. It may be a less known paper, but after reading this article you'll want to give it a try!
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by Robert Neale
Diagrams for Robert Neale's classic dragon!
