These are articles posted by The Fold editor all (who may or may not be the author; see byline for authorship). The Fold is the online magazine for members of OrigamiUSA. New articles are posted continuously over the two month period of each issue. To contribute to The Fold or for other questions, please see our FAQ.
The story of the new file download sales section of The Origami Source.
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by Miroslav Mrajca
Diagrams for a fox head designed by Czech designer Miroslav Mrajca.
by Marcio Noguchi
A compilation of many reports from the 2012 Origami Caravan excursion to the Miyagi region of Japan.
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Diagrams for a 3D Double Star Puff Pyramid folded from a regular hexagon.
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by Arnold Tubis, John Andrisan, and Christopher Pooley
Part two in a series examining the mathematics behind the golden ratio in some geometric boxes.
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by Chris Itoh
One folder's personal experiences of two Asian origami conventions during the summer of 2012.
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Diagrams for a boar by Vietnamese folder Đỗ Trí Khải.
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by Wendy Zeichner
An interview with two pioneers of modular woven polypolyhedra.
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Diagrams for a Dragon head trophy, a variation of Paul Frasco's Dragon Whelp.
The Zipper Tessellation is a good starting point for many variations, such as the Zipper Ring and Vase, presented here with crease patterns and some diagrams.
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A simple yet elegant Sonobe variation by Meenakshi Mukerji.
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By Leonardo Pulido Martínez
Diagrams for a horse with rider by Columbian folder Leonardo Pulido Martínez.
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by Arnold Tubis and Carmen Sprung
Tubis and Sprung show that the same starting shapes used previously to create generalized masu boxes [Tubis and Pooley 2012] can be used to produce n-pointed 3D stars.
by Nick Robinson
A review of the NOA publication "Origami Boxes".
Ask non-origami people about paper mills, and someone will mention Fabriano. But do they also produce paper suitable for origami? Read our review on Ingres to find out.
Diagrams for the model Six Intersecting Pentagrams, plus an article on its history.
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By Shivaram Ananthanarayanan
Diagrams for a bell adorned with a peacock, inspired by traditional Indian bells.
by Francesco Mancini
Puzzles and Modular Origami have a lot in common. With both you get some units and must assemble them to get a 3D model. Here is an origami version for a classic Russian puzzle.
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by Andrew Hudson
One of the biggest questions in origami history has been, why did Yoshizawa's origami revolution come when it did? This article fills you in on the latest research and corrects some misconceptions.
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The analysis of a geometric construction for 1/3, and other fractions.
