These are articles posted by The Fold editor all (who may or may not be the author; see byline for authorship). The Fold is the online magazine for members of OrigamiUSA. New articles are posted continuously over the two month period of each issue. To contribute to The Fold or for other questions, please see our FAQ.
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By Tammy Dong
Diagrams for two dollar bill fox variations designed by Tammy Dong.
by Vishakha Apte
A book review for "Money-Gami," a collection of money folds designed by Gay Merrill Gross.
This time we're testing Rhinoceros Hide! It stays true to its name, showing it doesn't just look good in animal models, but also folds well. More surprisingly, it's a nice option for larger tessellations, too.
Francesco was our first Guest of Honor, and his present to us was a 6 unit Star of David, called after our organization - OASIS.
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Building Block Units (BBU) are a new family of modular origami units, with over one hundred different interlocking module designs.
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by Nguyen Quang Do Lisa
Diagrams for a heart with wings designed by Nguyen Quang Do Lisa.
Only six years ago, this designer had no original model, although he was folding for 32 years. Then, something happened, and he crossed the line into creativity. The process he went through is unique, and the results surprised even himself. Let me present you - myself.
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by Milind Oka
Diagrams for two more bird model, a sparrow and parrot, by Milind Oka.
Bonn or Barcelona? This was the last battle on European grounds and for me it was Bonn. Here are some of my impressions from my first green tagged German origami convention.
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by Meenakshi Mukerji & Ittai Hacohen
The 3-unit Sonobe hexahedron (Toshie's Jewel) and the 12-unit Sonobe octahedral assembly are well known Sonobe constructions. But did you know that you can also construct the former with double the number of units, and the latter with half the number of units, i.e., both shapes from 6 units?
OASIS is a new origami group, and its second convention was the first to include Francesco Mancini, well known for his puzzles on The Fold. This was the first convention for him as a guest of honor. Read his report to understand how a convention is done in the Israeli way.
The first in a series on origami diagramming, this video focus on using Inkscape, a free vector drawing program, to draw origami crease patterns precisely.
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Diagrams for a floral modular designed by Ekaterina Lukasheva.
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by Hadi Tahir
Diagrams for a the traditional pirate symbol designed by Hadi Tahir.
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A discussion of an alternate Sonobe Unit assembly which produces a surprisingly different result than the conventional one. Diagrams included.
The 2010 CDO convention was my first international convention. Coincidentally, it was just the same for Allesandra, a young enthusiastic folder. Read here what process she went thorough since than, to become a young, enthusiastic creator!
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by Milind Oka
Diagrams for two water fowl models folded from squares, a swan and duck, by Milind Oka.
For those late night hours, when you want to keep on folding, but your mind is at a mental retention limit. I want to share my incomplete list of origami games for your paper enjoyment.
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Narong Krined
Diagrams for a beautiful 12 or 30 unit Sonobe Variation.
This paper's beautiful texture is an absolute eye-catcher. Its properties make it perfect for 3D shaping, as well as models of intermediate complexity.
