These are articles posted by The Fold editor all (who may or may not be the author; see byline for authorship). The Fold is the online magazine for members of OrigamiUSA. New articles are posted continuously over the two month period of each issue. To contribute to The Fold or for other questions, please see our FAQ.
More a textbook than a typical book of diagrams, “Six Simple Twists” is a comprehensive guide for tessellation lovers.
An eight-piece modular based on the traditional sailboat.
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A pretty leaf to decorate your tree or home.
by Grace Matthews
An easy-to-fold and ingenious gift tag.
An easy-to-fold card with a satisfying pop-up mechanism.
by Riel Amadeus A. Diala
A one-piece star that gives the appearance of being made of multiple diamonds. If you like tessellations (or not), this should be fun to fold.
A lovely ornament that somehow evokes old-fashioned Christmases.
by Victor López-Barrantes
A small turkey for your 2020 Thanksgiving gathering.
An intermediate-level sculptural Goat that benefits from careful detailing at the end of the folding process.
Most of the models in this book start from classic bases, but they go in new directions from there, and they look more complex than they actually are.
An origami Dracula with some scarily interesting folds.
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A 12-piece star named for the designer's adopted city.
by Laura Rozenberg1
In 1952, Gershon Legman, the origami pioneer, explored folding as therapy at a mental health clinic in Harlem.
A new book by Marc Kirschenbaum just in time for Halloween.
by Nachat Jatusriptak
A graceful crane with feathered wings.
A simple, decorative modular — best made from heavy, smooth paper — that slides to changes shape.
A nicely piggish dollar-bill design.
