These are articles posted by The Fold editor all (who may or may not be the author; see byline for authorship). The Fold is the online magazine for members of OrigamiUSA. New articles are posted continuously over the two month period of each issue. To contribute to The Fold or for other questions, please see our FAQ.
by Miyuki Kawamura
The conical modules of this kusudama come together to form color-change stars. The model works with 12 or 30 pieces.
Grab 8 squares to start folding this wonderful modular star.
by Christiane Bettens (Mélisande)
A tato — created to honor healthcare workers — that can be transformed into a twist box with a few additional folds.
Design and text by Sampreet Manna, vectorized diagrams by Sara Adams
Diagrams for a house and heart model. This house even includes two windows and a door.
Diagrams for a marvelously natural-looking Sand Dollar folded from a circle.
Another house and heart design. This one can double as a corner bookmark.
by Rochelle Mazze
The story of a Minnesota nonprofit that uses origami and other arts and crafts to to engage and delight children.
Design and diagrams by Meenakshi Mukerji, text by Sara Adams
Learn to fold Clover Heart 3, the third in a series of designs by Meenakshi Mukerji.
This storygami model was created for a wedding. In the end, a heart in a house is revealed when the model is held against the light.
An easy-to-fold and fun-to-spin top based on the traditional Fortune Teller.
A heart and home model that’s more challenging than most, accompanied by an instructional video.
In the spirit of the #stayhome initiative, a popular origami theme has been the combination of a house and a heart. Here is an overview of such models.
Another heart with a house inside. This version even has a chimney.
An attractive box that makes good use of both sides of the paper and is easy to fold.
An elegant pomegranate that starts life as a triangle.
Learn how to fold a heart decorated with a clover. Or take it a step further and fold the clover into Shuzo Fujimoto’s hydrangea.
A box with a raised square — or a heart — on top. It was inspired by Thoki Yenn's Crossed Box Pleat.
Another lovely variation on the heart and home theme, this time by Reza Sarvi from Iran.
Learn how to fold this standing house with heart by downloading diagrams or watching a video tutorial.
Learn how to fold this simple house with a heart by downloading diagrams.
