These are articles posted by The Fold editor all (who may or may not be the author; see byline for authorship). The Fold is the online magazine for members of OrigamiUSA. New articles are posted continuously over the two month period of each issue. To contribute to The Fold or for other questions, please see our FAQ.
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Viviane Berty shares the diagrams for her nymphéa (water lily).
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by Craig Hunter
Diagrams for Fish Hook Module with details of how to build a cube and an octahedron. The modules are edge modules, and most polyhedra can be built, except those that have five or more edges meeting at a vertex.
James Peake shares his fond and lasting memories of Laura Kruskal (1923-2019).
Yara Yagi presents us with a detailed review of Ilan Garibi's latest book, Origami Tessellations for Everyone.
As we continue to celebrate The Year of the Pig, Edwin Corrie shares with us four of his pig models.
Viviane Berty shares her reminiscences of her participation as special guest at the 2018 OrigamiUSA Convention.
Leyla Torres offers a loving and beautiful tribute to Laura Kruskal.
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Diagrams for four cleverly nested hearts with color change. From a single square sheet of duo paper.
I present to you one of the top origami artists in Israel. Ben has been designing for the last seven years, and the ease of his approach will make you say "I can do it as well!". As always, nine questions, nine images, and a Daffodil diagram!
by Laura Rozenberg
This research challenges the widely accepted idea that Akira Yoshizawa was the originator of the origami notation system. However, while he did not create any of the basic components, he did contribute to its improvement resulting in an elegant, yet technically rigorous system.
Should you travel to Hong Kong, you now have another origami group ready to welcome you: the Hong Kong – New Territories – Origami Group.
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Ralph Jones
Diagrams/CP for a delightful triple heart with color change from a 2:1 rectangle of duo paper.
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With the Year of the Dog ending and with the Year of the Boar beginning, we remember that Valentine's Day is fast approaching. To help us celebrate, Meenakshi Mukerji shares with us three simple heart models.
In celebration of Chinese New Year 2019, here are instructions on how to fold a cute pig from half a square
In anticipation of the Year of the Pig/Boar, Leyla Torres presents us with an Origami Pig and Candy Box and explains how she changed a cat into a pig.
To welcome the Year of the Pig/Boar (February 5, 2019), Xiaoxian Huang created a Piggy's Face for us.
Marc Vigo, the fourth musketeer of the OAS (Origami Always Succeed) group, is offering his design of a Porc Senglar (wild boar) in celebration of Lunar New Year of the Pig/Boar.
The title is "Counting Wings", but the diagrams are for a dog by Beth Johnson to usher out the Year of the Dog. Read the lovely text to understand the meaning of the title and to gain some insight into Beth's design approach.
by Christine Edison
The Year of the Boar is just around the corner, but we still are in the Year of the Dog. To help usher out the Dog, Christine Edison shares her model of The Bulldog Bookmark.
After teaching Stella for Origami Connect, Evan Zodl agreed to write an article for The Fold to make this lovely model accessible to more people.
